
Stop these journals plz ! I really doubt that these wishes come from your heart, and tbh christmas became so fucking comercial, it's not fun as it used to be couple years ago..
make one sticky topic where everyone can just post their xmas wishes!
yeah that would be pretty nice idea, so i wouldnt have to watch this crap :P
Quotetbh christmas became so fucking comercial, it's not fun as it used to be couple years ago..

mainstream fgt
Quoteit's not fun as it used to be couple years ago..

So you are a real oldschooler aren't you ?
wtf xD??????????
No time for it now since it's serious journal :P
aah sorry i must say i agree whit u!
I didnt really care about religion 'bullshit', but you could feel the atmosphere, you know, and also it was just nice to sit with family and have a good time, but now presents are most important thing and maybe I am the only one, but this year i feel like it's a must and i don't really feel like celebrating it :p
lol man this journal needs some dragons, do your job ;p
i'm not really decent @ posting dragons, you're the master :<
Christmas was fun when i was 5.
i am really pleased
sorry :S

image: pejcz_maly

You can punish me now : D
tbh crossfire is the only place when you can wish some1 merry christmas, cause u have no real life ..
you know it from experience ?
Well everyone can have other opinion about it, i respect that :D Sup Techni ?
True, a matter of opinion. Nevertheless I'm not mainstream.

Well, celebrated it with my friends yesterday... today we're gonna have some family evening.
You? <3
Well i was pretty ill last days, but now feeling well, can't wait to enjoy this free-from-school week ! + i'm pretty hungry, so im looking forward to start christmas dinner :p
ah, ok... luckily you feel good again :)
You glutton!
Gonna party hard on New Year's Eve? : PP
well i stay @ home because i dont want my mom to be alone on new year's eve (she has a disease, wont tell here which one) but i my mate is coming around and mom said i can drink whatever i want so we're buying 1l of vodka and couple beers :P you ?
Good boy : )
Afaik you even told me its name once...
Wish you a happy new year if we won't meet again till New Years Eve! : ))
Then i had to forget ! Thx, have fun too ; )
Where is your God?

image: Julfest_Wintersonnenwende_2005_-_Brennendes_Sonnenrad
Happy Jul.
(Yes I know, actually it was on the 21th.)
An dieser Stelle sollte ich erwähnen, dass wir in dem Wunsch, die von dir aufgelistete Länder zu besuchen, konform gehen. Verblüffend!
Pure awesomeness there.
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