xmas suprise

As You all know estonian are poor as hell (superb ex-soviet union bla bla bla). As we all know that means i got no money to buy slides and well there was nothing but glue left from old ones so I needed new! (Moving mouse became hard work).
So here is a way to fix the problem without leaving Your cave.
All You need is: scissors, a transparent plastic cake box(better than non-transparent), doublesided tape,file(tool)/sandpaper to make edges smoother if needed and 10 minutes of ur precious practime.
And solution is like I had new mouse/slides.
Merry xmas everyone!
you sick creative progamer
fucking idd, I can also teach to fix the cable : DDDDDDDDDDDDD
how can i fix my broken microphone? :D
You buy new one and tell You fixed it!
how can i fix my broken microphone? :D
Let us start from buying one!
hell gay
thx 4 the tutorial euruz but i already knew this, hähä
it's because i'm scofield, hähä
Don't You even try to ruin my xmas!
i got this mouse diconnect problems with my g5 :(
easy to fix! fixed my g5!
ok :P tell me how pls :)
image: PP31562

Got that one on a poster :}
they are called glidez or mousefeet.. never heard of them being called slides
same shit to me
Please :( make my mouse work again! Its more painful to try turn around with Logitech ultraX than without glidez :( PLEASE MAKE IT WORK AGAIN YOU MISTER! :---(
eeasy way is to have rich nerd friends with spare mouseskates and let them offer it to you. (True story.)
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