Freaking Processor

ya so my new mainboard is now working good after the BIOS Update but its still not recognizing my new processor ffs

image: bf94ctv3vqwkw5hfu

The new one is a AMD Phenom II x4 Black Edition

new mobo is an Asus M4A78

i have no clue why its still not recognizing it after the BIOS update, help please!
did u install mobo drivers :p ?
i think i did, with BIOS Update
bios update doesn't install mobo drivers

you have to install them from the cd/dvd that came with the mobo
hmm maybe i need to download a chipset driver from the Asus site
yeah that's what I mean :)
just got some ATI stuff, didnt change anything for my processor x] ill try a format later
what ATI stuff :o ?
graphics x] seems like i need a format
well gfx drivers shouldn't really change anything, but formatting in general sounds kinda fine
very rarely can you change motherboard and processor and use the same windows install, it always messes it up somehow, you should be fine after a fresh install
wth is that ss? :XD
shows that my pc thinks my old cpu is still in there
Wrong drivers? :F

You got the phenom 955 black edition? : D
what kind of drivers, and yes i do!
Wrong mobo ones? :{

I got this for xmas similar to yours? :P
yes except its not overclocked, no mobo is fine :]

e: my cd driver is making a huge noise everytime its loading, know were that comes from? x]
it tries to boot from cd
set boot priority of the dvd drive to 2nd or smth (after hdd)
it is, but its also making this huge noise when i just put a cd in x] i didnt had that before, maybe the sata cable is a little broken dunno :/
new mainboard caused it imo :P
just dont care about it :DDD
but the new one is better as my old :/ xD its to much noise to not care about! :D
do it like me and disconnect the dvd drive :D
its not hard to connect it again if you need it
ye im thinking about it
rofl sata cable has nothing to do with noise. You just dont have any rubber around your drive. And you need to make sure the screw from the drive are allways tight.
oh that might be it, i did release them :D
u need motherboard drivers. uninstall others or format
motherboard drivers wont fix that.
Maybe this works. Remove your cpu from there and see what happens :D
Make sure you make restore point first, else just reinstalll your whole PC.
kinda risky
ran a few google searchs with people who sovled it:

QuotePROBLEM SOLVED!!! Finally!!! The problem was the number of processors that I've assigned Windows to boot in *msconfig>Advanced Options was only TWO! So I disabled that and reseted the computer then BAM! All cores working! Too bad I already returned the Phenom II x4 955 and settled with the x3 720. But that's fine by by me. I am so relieved!!!

QuoteMain problem was a bad stick of DRAM. Replaced memory and Win XP64 Pro installed happily. Linux installer still thinks it's an i1586 processor and won't install. Strange.
its disabled, and i just bought new ram x] adsdaasd im gna go to the shop tomorow i guess, FIX THIS SHI
kinda wondering, did u try to play games on it? see if u can even seen improvement on games, maybe the cpu still works, and maybe it's an program's fault, or maybe do some stretch tests
also download cpu-z and see what it tells u
how to do a stretch test, i might just format or smth, maybe hat works
don't remember the program's names, but try dling cpu-z
u have new games installed on ur pc? try playing em see if u got fps boost
Lol you got given a AMD 6000+ in a Phenom II box. Owned on Christmas, you must be pretty upset.
:D:D:D my old 6000+ didnt fit in the same box tho :D
you have to format if you change the number of cores, as easy as that
iam ricardo martinez, like anything i say could be wrong -.-
im ricardo martinez, like, anything i say could be wrong -.-
Yes format ofc Core 2 Duo E8500 >> Core 2 Quad Q9550 just format :<
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