Xbox360 solo games

Going to buy myself a new game tomorrow on my xbawks 360.
Don't have xbox live, don't count on getting it.

I'm buying a FPS probably, what should I get? Was thinking Left 4 dead 2, is it any good in 1 player-mode?

Also, merry christmas.


PS: image: left_4_dead_witch

Fuck witches.
gears of war
didn't like the 1, not sure the 2 is worth it, it's really not my style of FPS.
fallout3, mass effect
if i had to chose between one of them, which one would you advise?

I've been very interested in fallout3 but L4D2 looks very appealing - Is the FPS side of Fallout really its best part?

I'm especially looking towards a FPS I can play anytime even when I'm done completing the story, just for the feeling of an FPS. Hope you understand what I mean
Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns but much better.

I wouldn't buy l4d2 for single player since the bots suck and it's pretty boring without other people. Apparently you are looking for a single player FPS but usually when you are done with story mode there is not much left other than going online and play the multiplayer.

If you are looking for some great single players games I would defenitely say Mass Effect and Fallout3 are my favourites with play times of 30+ and 50+ hours (fallout3 excluding the add-ons which are included in the GOTY edition) You can pick up some good older titles from sites like and for 20 euro each or go to a game store and get them 2nd hand. GOOGLE is your friend so use it wisely in finding out what games you might like.
If you ever played playstation2 generation of games and heard of Timesplitters or Resident Evil 4 (pretty fucking awesome game, honestly) those were some of my favorite, after Metal Gear Solid 1/2/3.

I used to play Morrowind on PC, got bored, Oblivion didn't run smoothly due to bad comp. Most of the vids from Fallout 3 I've seen make it look like you're going to spend a lot of time... Not shooting. is it really this way?
Couldn't find a Mass Effect gameplay vid so far on jewtube, let me look again.
RE4 is probably in my top10 games ever and timesplitters had pretty decent bots to play against with a friend in deathmatch/ctf or whatever.

It's a bit of both a lot of walking and discovering but when you do get somewhere it will be packed with people and monsters to kill. Like I said it's firstly an rpg and then an fps and if you are an achievement whore this game will keep you busy for hours on end.
btw is mass effect 2 out? Right now i'm hesitating, L4D2, Mass effect (2 ?) or Fallout 3...

But the thing is, I play games that you can play like when you're bored etc, example Skate 2, GTA IV, Need for speed series... Left 4 dead 2 seemed like this kind of game + i always loved zombie games so, so far, it gets my pick, but Fallout 3 seems to last longer... Hm :3 Mass Effect is my least favorite pick, reviews didn't help on that one and it feels kind of weird from the videos I saw.
L4D is multiplayer game and there is really no point in playing it with bots in single player mode. If you are looking for single player FPS games pick up Halo3 and Bioshock and for more of an exploring story mode type game Fallout3 and Mass Effect.

Mass Effect 2 will be released at the end of January
Alright. I have to say, Fall out 3 does look quite fun and more realistic combatwise than I expected after watching a detailed review - But zombie FPS's being my weak spot, I'm still in a dilemna :D Thanks for the advice bro :)
dont buy l4d without xboxlive lol :D
singleplayer is boring
Batman: Arkham Asylum
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