ChristmAus is over :<

its 12:02 am now here.....sadface....waiting for my buddy to come pick me i have to wait 5 days for new years...what should i do till then?

a) Masturbate
b) Masturbate with sandpaper
c) Take the next 5 days off to jay off
e) Punch a midget
k) Buy all the watermelown so that the black people cant get any
7) Does Everybody love Raymond?
69) Your own question; idea for my (our)days
d) If CC7 was a girl, would you slip it in?

If also like vagina put #VAGPOUNDERZ

hope you guys hgad a swell time, but i gotta go back out. lata<3
play computer :)
dont you have an awesome dating game for him
It's 06:20 here ....
Quotewhat should i till then?
I have no idea, just do what makes you happy.
vidya games
k) Buy all the watermelown so that the black people cant get any
i think you should frag some kids
masturbate is always a nice way to kill time
vidya g4m3s
lold at k) >:DDD
buy a rope
Yes, yes, yes! I LOVE IT! MASTURBATE WITH SANDPAPER! Let's do it together!
still christmas here in holland. kthx
o) make papercuts between your toes, fingers, ears, tongue, mouth, ... and see how long it take to heal
Papercuts between toes = nasty :'(
you watch to many jackass ;:()
move to america
h) become CB Admin
x) become an annoying esl admin
s1gnum) be as retarded as s1gnum
onethreethreeseven) do some jackass move's and rec it!
20 years what a nerd!
im 19 you magoo :D
stfu met je team nl xD jij ook fijne 2e kerstdag \o/
k) Buy all the watermelown so that the black people cant get any

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