back from a balkan party

so the night started pretty well, lots of booz, plenty of people, boys girls 50-50. just chatting, trying to fuck something and then around 1:00 am 5 or 6 faggots from a nearby village came uninvited. and after a long talk and asking them nicely to go to fuck of,f one of them punched one of our guys. and the show started we were fighting inside and outside, chairs were flying window glasses broke, door knock cracked... in the end we managed to beat them up first so they ran off into the night. and then after a short celebration we were pissed and went home. and now as I'm writing this I noticed my left side of my face is swollen and my left knee is kinda fucked up, my right fist is also hurts, prolly form hitting like a mad man and my right ear is bleeding but the rest of my body is fine. so guys all I can say that was a real balkan party:) oh yeah and I'm pretty drunk, but don't worry I have a phd in alcoholism, so np4me

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Thats about as kickass as you can get.
Well done, good night
bla bla liar !

on a real balkan party u would get a knife in ur stomach
Next time call Norway Eirik or Italy Mama.
bozar with proxy?
could be a story from my father hometown. something like this happens regularly there
gotta love small villages
father hometown is croatia i guess? ever been to kosovo btw :D
no a little village in Italy Sardegna but there are always fights in bars with people coming from villages nearby
not yet
not yet as in i will go there sometime in my life? or as in next month im going there
sometime in my life i guess. next trip planned is to new york not kosovo :p
5 or 6 guys... and u needed how long to get them out?
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