After-xmas DRAGONS special

ok since during X-Mas I didn't post any DRAGONS here's a DRAGONS special for sunday.

requested by Germanyk1kzzzzz :D:D:D

image: Dragons
image: dragon
image: home_dragons
image: DRAGONS
image: george_and_the_dragons
image: Dragons
image: Fantasy-Dragon-10764-216667
image: dungeons-and-dragons-rulebook-closeup
image: m_a1d4ecd2b4e09d03edcb3db83c85ebe3
image: Dragons

now here's answer to question that was asked many times:what's up with those DRAGONS?

you see I came to conclusion that girls are like DRAGONS. think about it:both are cool, awesome, can hurt you and I can't get any :D. so I thought it would be something cool to post.

and why you're here go read , really nice piece of interview, you'll be suprised :)
kurwa zamknij ta jape pajacu i przestan robic debilne journale
kurwa zamknij ta jape pajacu i przestan pisac debilne komentarze
i want one of the egyptian god cards
this time it actually was a bit funny, but still you could stop now
what's up with those DRAGONS?
image: bfb9uksp3o7olpq7b

dude, dragons were last year. get something new!
man, he is from poland... can't afford new shit
the good thing about ideas is that they dont cost anything! even in poland!
jakbym wiedzial o co w tym chodzi, a to kompletnie nie ma sensu!
dickhead, just the other day you said one journal can't have more than one dragon
it was about comments if i remember right, at least Roba taught me like that
no fajna masz rodzine ;d
no no, I asked what's up with those DRAGONS?
pathetic wannabe

cu lan
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