
-20 and "snowing" iceglitter atm. If you want to try skiing in the worst possible weather come here and ill show u how its done! - ive been doing it occasionally just because its faster than walking and i can make bigger distances in shorter time (yeah, some exercise is good even for a real nerd and i hear it also increases accuracy by 0.452 % ) but in this weather its a no go.. even pulling a empty sled feels like it would be glued into the snow..

Also today I solved my problem which had bugged me for months. First I though it was just PB fucking up my fps but I found out it wasnt.. something to do with my pc.. i had tried quite a few things but as i dont understand a shit about anything important really it wasnt any help, untill today.. downloaded that some nvidia tool thing which had option to make calculations for best performance possible ! so easy compared to he googling i had done to find out what this and what that does..

so instead of hours of asking nerds, googling, random working on it I could just press a button, drink few cups of coffee and reboot after that scan was done and buuum!

opened tkbtimedemo and was happy to see results were close to 200! not perfect this pc can do but good enough - even pubbing feels fun now!


Vatanen is awesome <3
checkt die gast zijnen tijd verspillen, bahaha :p maja wa heeft em anders te doen dan aan zijn lulleke trekken? yooo smokey ;-) goeiemiddag!
allo fostrum alles goeie:P
link the tool :-o
just a nvidia control panel
can I pm you later on IRC where you can explain me where to get it & how to use it? :$

PS: Good morning
gwn zorgen da ge es volgende settings beziet: vsync, anti aliasing, anisotrophic filtering enz :)

vsync capt fps om refreshrate van uw scherm:p dus da moe uit en die andere gaan over details(hoe hoger hoe minder fps obvious)

greetz :D
Ah ok, dan heb ik da al :P Ik dacht dat da echt iets nieuws was =)
Al een 5v5 clan gevonden nu?
Ja, ik speel rifle voor target ;) Ge weet wel hé, wie zei ier da ik een rifletalent was! :D
so much fun when it starts to rain in the morning on some kind of snow ice...u can start the car dance :/
[This journal needs pics of chmmp skiing]
yo dawg , -20 oh shit
I'm happy cuz u r happy!
you live with santa ???
lol allan funny guy :)))
lol pim dutch guy :)))
pim dutch hard gay :)))))
rivatuner !?
does overclocking work with it? you could teach me how to do it!
It does, but I never dared to touch it since I don't know that much from PC's & Overclocking :D
ofc, you can overclock with it !

I can teach you change lodbias, heard it's some pro thing
i can do that.. external crosshair sucked tho
razz had different prog for that, I can give you it if you want, but maybe there are better ones
but i like my current
paint it on the screen with some marker or so
guten morgen
funny story chmpp
uhuh! get me 1 one for ati, got the same problem :/
Ari Vatanen?
My hero <3
what about ati cards? :(
Ship ahoy, seaman!
vatanen fuck yeah
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