2 monitors need halp

So now i got installed 2 monitors and i was just wondering how in hell I can set 2 different backgrounds. Like Picture of my penis on 1st monitor and 2nd one is reserved for some other random picture. Also i would like to know if you can lock mouse on one screen and then by pressing some combination eg ctrl+tab it changes to other screen. Please help this retard with 2 monitors. My OS is windows vista if that matters. And google didnt help :<<<<<<

image: 5821

image: no_fucking_way
download ultramon

Thanks man this is wonderfull program Thanks once again
share it i need it too :$
I preferred using DisplayFusion as you didn't have to keep it running in the background. Ultramon is nice for tweaking shit, though.
Dunno about backgrounds, but with UltraMon you can lock the mouse to one screen.
The only problem I have is that when I lock the mouse to the second monitor with ET, my crosshair slowly drifts to the right, that makes playing impossible :(
ask slarto
I wanted to help you, but after the chick i wont sorry
I need to see the picture of ur penis in order to help you
sorry rafiki was first so no need to show penises here :)
had the same prob some months ago... 24" wide screen + 19" regular
i tried to have 1 wallpaper over 2 screens

after 2 days of searchin and investigating, i can say: forget it!
There is a programm which can manage that... ~50$ if i remember right

if u got 2 screens with the same resolution u can do it via NVidia drivers, with different resolutions no way :(

if u find sth, let me know! :)
You can use ultramon just check ur pm
Print screen your monitor so you get both of the views, liek here: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8134/screeniek.jpg
You can see the split in the middle. Just fit your images in the both windows!

Mouse lock thing, no idea
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