Your haircut?

How long is your hair?

[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm

[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[X] more than 10 cm

a little over 10 i guess
[ ] bald head
[x ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm

well i always cut 1,5 cm :D:D:D:D but havent cut my hair since a month now so its like 6cm? or sum i dunno i dont messure it
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm

15-20 cm or so :))
around 15 I quess. check my profile pic:)
jestes pedziem XD?
jestem seksowny
co jest buraku? zlozylem Ci zyczenia na nk a Ty sie tak odplacasz, hmm?:x
sorry :( juz nie bede
+1 have the same
i dunno \o/
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[x] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
More than 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[x] Over Nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cm..
ur attempt to be funny failed so hard
10 cm or less
10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm
2cm or less
liar.. u have 10 cm or longer :P gg
liar you have 20+ or smth
liar u have 30+ or smth
normally bald to 2 mm.. now letting it grow, got sexy black hairs, my wife wants to see and feel it once, so I agreed :/
Black hair is never sexy. ;)
glad that u ain't a woman
black hair is pretty ugly for men

E: black-long hair ..
That's the thing wrong with our time.
[ ] bald head
[x] 2 cm or less
[x] 10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm

from left under 2 cm :D
from back about 2 cm
from right and up... bit longer
and from front over 10 cm :D
actually not ! :P
[ ] bald head
[x] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[X] more than 10 cm

need to take haircut :D
[X] 2 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[x ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[X] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[X ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[X ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 c
2 cm or less
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[X] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
im shaved everywhere
i know, thats what u said last time when u saw me ;)
alexL vol. 2?
no ... i got NO hair at all :o
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm

first time i let my hair grow to see how it would look! but gettin annoyed by the day to get it in a decent model lol so gonna cut it back to 2ish cm ~_~
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[x] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[X] more than 10 cm
just over 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm

[x] 26 cm

I has the longest beard on CF?
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[x] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm

I am sexy if that counts.
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[x]10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[ ] bald head - had that during summer, LOL!
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ]10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm - back to the good look ;)
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ]10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm
like 5 cm or so

so 10cm or less
i'm after cut, so 10cm or less
[x ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ]10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm

image: 02991_1iso
[X ] 10 cm or less
Mine is about 5 cm but planning on getting bald just need to take a lot of solarium so it looks hot! :)

[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[X] more than 10 cm
ofc -.-
äh why sad :s?
why more than 10 cm ?
rofl cus i'm a girl xD?!
i thought u were bald :(

sry my bad
nah i'm not from finnland
image: 300-audrey-tautou

if you have nicely shaped bones short hair will only make you prettier :>
looks idd a bit longer then 10 cm
No haircut
10cm or less
[ ] bald head
[x] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[ ] more than 10 cm
[ ] bald head
[ ] 2 cm or less
[ ] 10 cm or less
[x] more than 10 cm
[x] i dont check my hair with a fucking ruler
So you cant estimate something its size just by looking at it? :d

[x] I'm a tarzan look-a-like:
image: tarzan
it means just i dont care, you can see my hair at my profile pic. dunno its 2cm or 5, who fucking cares? ;o
i had a friend irl that i called tarzan or jesus because of his hair :D
I dont know, maybe you were tarzan too but afraid to tell :).

For all tarzan's out there: Dont be afraid to show!
wanted to have long hair when i was like 13 or 14, but never had it.
Parents wont let you?
I wanted to have shorter hair because all my classmates had it.
My parents said no but let me try in the end. I looked totally ugly with it.

It's about 9-10 now.
they didnt care, so i stopped cutting them and i looked stupid when they were medium length so i cut them anyway :)
:d stubborn. me too :)
curly so idk.

kale koppe nie te stoppe
[x] 10 cm or less
Used to have it over 10 cm :p. Now quite short though, less than 5 cm.
Mine 16cm
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