Top 5 things you hate

1. Monday mornings -.- hearing that alarm go off makes me want to shoot myself every time
2.people who exaggerate
3. linessss ugh
5. Journals like this :D:D

edits :

6. People who suggest the most blatant obvious shit when you need help with something as if you haven't thought of it already
7. Driving people home on a sat night , its 1 am and i'm really tired but you have to offer out of courtesy
8. People who lack common judgment
9.People who try to be euphemistic when infact they just want to be spiteful/offensive
3. linessss ugh

what's that?
i'm sry your father fondles you <3
I don't hate, I just love women and girls.

QuoteI lag and I suck.

evidently you hate lag
Can't say I enjoy it.
and you :)
You're p00n, just didn't play/talk in a long time :{}
number 1
people in german communities with their epic writingskills like :
freak -> freaq

or : i liiKE thiiS JoUrNaaL

fuck you

and jews !
FuCk YoU MaN!
Ich weiß wovon du sprichst, kann alle die Kinder die auf diese Art und Weiße bei Jappy schreiben nicht ausstehen : /
ich weiß nich wieso , aber da bekomm ich immer richtige Hassanfälle , das geht garnich klar
ist bei mir nicht so, aber mich kümmern schon alle die Kinder die versuchen auf diese Art große Matchos aus sich zu machen : /
mich kümmern kinder die groß und kleinschreibung im internet benutzen L==l
freut mich dich kennen zu lernen : )
Incompetent people
good job there are none on crossfire
I got one in mind but its not you nor good admin like krosan/eim/homer etc.
1. tzaziki on my kebab when i clearly said that i just want some spicy souce!
2. when you go to medialand and want to buy for example a laptop and those fuckers have to order it at first and you drive back home without anything and then you have to wait 3-4 days for that shit
3. if you are hungry but there is nothing to eat at home
4. if your pc is broken and you have to go online at ur sisters computer which is 1000 years old and fucking slow
5. if people like for example (randomname: jonasty) think that they are cool and known just because they spam like an idiot without style @ crossfire
indeed ; D
no ego's like me :(?
1. I'll probably be in in the army when FF 13 is released
2. I'm out of beer
3. I just played the worst and the last mix ever
4. I'm freezing in my room
5. Finland Janne Ahonen didn't win (good competition though)
6. when store has ran out of ES
the braindead people called cheaters, and ignorance towards them.
when loazis flames me :'(

I'll be your buddy just to cheer you up!
1: School
2: When my mom comes into my room when i'm still asleep and starts cleaning or hoovering.
3: PB
4: Laggy Polaks
5: yesteday i bet maus becouse he dont think.
When loosing to suVi.
When being kicked in 1on1 on valhalla from Crotards.
1. mainstreams
2. exaggerating people
3. punkbuster
4. empty rolling paper bag
5. braindamaged customers
thank god i iz not in that list
nothing to hate, Im full of peace!
1. my ex-company
2. waiting
3. people who are not thankful
lady can't you read? He wants 5 things you hate. But you posted only 3!
omg! and you really had to tell that!
Working and other other activities which force me to do things I would not do normally, simple as that.
1. Switched on radio every morning when moderators try to spread their happy mood when im still fucking tired. Basicaly those morning shows.
2. pEoPL3 wH0 wrIt3 lIkE tHIs
1. suVi
2. adi
3. pb&people who claim pb is great and lagfree
4. getting up in the morning
5. slow pc's
hoe kan slow pc zo hoog staan bij jou
1. Sundays, because they're always boring, miserable and you know that the next day you have work/school
2. Cunts on this site
3. People who cough near me
4. Pricks
5. Cold
dont hate :( .. congratulate!! ...haaayyyyy
1. People who gib with their lugers when the body is right infront of them.
2. People who say raziel was the best ET player.

3. People who just have to show their amazing english vocabulary when the things they say could've been said 100 x easier *cough* sock *cough* nellie *cough*
you forgot about meez
Never saw Meez saying something I couldn't understand. The things nellie and sock said weren't even understandable.
1 : When i lose against lucky people on games and then they act like they are god
2 : When my mother come to my room every 5mins.
3 : People thinking they know everything , people not thankful and writing like retards.
4 : People on internet who are pervert/nerd or just retarded .
5 : Raining + wind outside with -10°C.
you aptly fall under the 3rd category =< jk jk but yeh good points there
Raining at -10C?
At my city today, worst thing ever.
which city do u live in, if i can ask? :p
Strasbourg, in France of course.
ah c nice ici c du -25°C qu'on a
D: i live in Kehl which is like 100 meters away on german side
only fucking albanian-french cocksuckers who steal everything and invade our discos :(
idd strasbourg really sux
Strasbourg > Kehl :}
strasbourg kanacks only
i woant to believe
slow walking people
ppl that walk slow and in zig-zag to block you
retards (we all know atleast 100)
missing the bus
when my headphone cables have sex and tangle like i dont know what even tho i put them off and placed them with care that they wont tangle..
Quoteppl that walk slow and in zig-zag to block you

- losing, especially in ET
- winter
- fall
That explains the PBBANS :D;dD:;dD:d:DDDD
1. overly aggressive and arrogant people
2. everyone else
5)my life

oh wait...
shitting but realizing while shitting that theres no toiletpaper
1. Germans

2. When vodka ends during a party :X

3. Jews

4. God

5. Mondays

+ i hate humanity as we're fuckedup
why do you hate me? :(
sorry mate, im Polish i have to hate germans...

but i still love you... we're like Romeo and Juliet :<
1 germans
2 my inet

thats all
1. Gays who want to show everyone how gay they are (mostly on tv)
2. Michel Friedman
3. Hertha BSC
4. Israel
5. Islam
+1 for Michel Friedman (I HATE HIM!! I HAAATE THAT GUY!!! GOAT I HATE HIM ! THAT %§@%&)
Michel Friedman (born February 25, 1956 in Paris) is a German lawyer, former CDU politician and talk show host. He withdrew from public office and was disbarred after found guilty of possession of cocaine and allegations of fostering illegal prostitution

Sound guy. :D:D
wundert mich dass da jetzt doch was kommt :D

Der typ ist die ausgeburt des teufels, ich hab noch nie so eine gespaltene zunge gesehen wie bei bei ihm, wenn er im fernsehen ist kommt mir die kotze hoch.
ya idd. i could rage everytime i see him on tv. all he does is offending people, being incredibly rude and talking some of the biggest rubbish i've ever heared. and what bugs me the most is that he thinks it's totally ok to do so, cuz he's a freaking jew. i hate him. x) goat, I HATE HIM!!!!
1 getting up.
2 finding a study
3 drunk ppl
4 toerist on bikes
5 pc crashing when ur working on it
1. diseases
2. diseases
3. diseases
4. diseases
5. diseases
how lazy i am, that's it really

oh and jews
United Kingdom wait what :D
1. Sunday
2. Arrogance
3. Illness
4. bad moods:D?
5. Hangover when you have nothing to drink except some old Juice which you drink because your body wants to
everything bad
everything worse
everything worst
apparently you also hate double negatives : <
Monday mornings are especially bad as I stay over with my parents in the weekends which means I have to travel to work for two and a half hour. The rest of the mornings are much easier as I rent a room at 15 minutes bicycling racing distance from my work. :)
you race with colleges to work?
No, most of my colleagues have a car, so they are just time trials! :P
1. overrated/ego people
2. French people (not all, but most of them), cos they think they are too cool to learn english, and i should learn french.
3. stupid car/bus drivers
4. Netherlands Xo'
5. Estonia Estonia
1. Monday mornings -.- hearing that alarm go off makes me want to shoot EVERYONE I MEET every time
1) Fat people
2) French people
3) Illiterate people
4) Feminism
5) People who blatantly lie
6) Running out of alcohol
some fat people are rly nice!
bad music
selfish people
warm beer
1. Top lists that contain more entries than the headline says.
1. injustice
2. terrorists
3. criminals
4. drugs
5. dogs/dog owners
1. monday mornings
2. fucking slow piece of shit car drivers infront of me

rest i dunnow

for ($i=1; $i <= 6; $i++) {

echo $i . ' women';


1. you
2. your mum
3. your second mum
4. your internet
5. i hate sundays.
1) ego boys like R0SS
1) waking up too early for work and can't fall back asleep :/
I've got the opposite
stupid people
waking up early
- people eating their kebap in the tram or bus
- liars
- aggressive people
- when i go to a clothing store and they tell me that they got that piece i am searching for in the other shop, then i go there and i am searching for something else, they tell me that they only have that in the other shop (the shop i was in before like a week ago or whatever)
- crowded places

edit: my number 6: winter!
girls that think they are special and have the need to tell that they arent like other girls while they are exactly like them
when people disturb me while gaming ;D
people that smell like they didnt shower for weeks
dirty streets
and a billions other things
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