m4lCzik's word for a NEW YEAR!

Quote by m4lCzikDon't took your life too serious, don't took the game so serious, don't be a fag on the internet and try to live your life... but when it comes for you, that you will not sure what to do, just go outside, look at the sky and you will see how world can be great, it is great, it must be great. It's your life.

I am a FAG.

If there was a possibility to reduce number of people from the whole World to 100 people village, with true ratio of people living on the World, the village is going to contain 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 Americans (Both Americas) and 8 Africans.
There would be 52 women and 48 men, 30 white people, 70 not-white ones, 30 Christians and 70 un-Christians, 89 hetero's and 11 homo's,
6 people would have 59 % of the whole fortune and they would come from USA. 80 would live in poor houses, 70 would be analaphabets people and 50 would starve. In this village, already there would be 1 person dying, 1 would be born , 1 would have a computer and 1 would have University paper.
If we looked on the World like this, feeling acceptation and agreement would be normal. But think about it once again:
If you woke up with the good health, you have got more luck than others, milions of people, who won't see the next week.
If you didn't get oppurtunity of war, loneliness of prisoner, pain of being tortured, you weren't close of dangerous being starved, then u have better, better than 500 milion people...
If you can go to the church without fear, that someone could have beaten you or even killed you, you have more luck than 3 bilion people.
If you have a full fridge, uniform on you, roof over your head and place to sleep, then you are more abounding than the 75 % of people.
If you have got your money in the bank, in your pocket and even some small change, you are into the 8 from the 100 on this World.
If you parents are alive and are still married, then you are really extraordinary person.
If you read this, it means you have double luck, because you are not in the group of 2 bilion, who cannot read.
Work, like you did not need money. Love, like you never got hurt. Dance, like noone didn't look at you and sing like noone didn't listen to you.
Live, like it was a paradise on the Earth.

yes you are !:D
What I wrote.
I chuckled :D
What does it mean?
Thank you for educating me.
That's quite okay, I'm glad you appreciate it. Now if you do not mind, I'll finish my whiskey and pass out, while listening to Norwegian Wood.
Whiskey causes you passing off?
Roger that, +1
thanks man!
Good boy:-)
You better decide first, which country you will play for. It is your nation, ask yourself which one you have got in your heart. That's important.

P.S. Don't seel yourself and do not play for Yermans (anyway they are nazi and racist).
Why did u put dot?
You better put some pictures with girls, I am hetero so I don't really see the point you posted it here.
Obviously only girls I see are on my computer screen :)

image: Image035

Hope this satisfies!
I'm done. Big thanks.
First picture is the only way I could show you how unimpressed I was with this journal.
You cannot read it inside you. And it's a must, otherwise you will be a cold, heartless person.
That's what my ex-girlfriend said.
Rolling on the floor laughing.
I appreciate you won EuroCup, but you are the human, you better think about it yourself.
Wow, that was retarded.
Either your comment.

(nice edit, hell yea)
What is Engrish? Or maybe you ment English? I think everything seems to be okay. Correct if I made any mistake there.
I wouldn't know where to start with your superfail sentences :(
Maybe you should think about that you made two separated posts. That is unacceptable.
Actually as flat as my boobies, but "ok".
Yes you are fucking nerd
thanks for this enlighted topic
Be nice, so you still have oppurtunity to play for Team Ukraine.
quite amusing the first bits, shame the figures are quite off. Africa is the second highest populated continent - an estimated 20-25% more Africans than Europeans.

Good luck making your village though.
You are a jew!
Cant remember where I had read that before :P
Just saw "I am a FAG." and agreed
zerender jebany kutas , wszystkich takich skurwysynow sowietow bym wystrzelal jebancow pierdolonych
suck my cock you piece of shit
you can suck my cock , you fucked fat soviet scum
Quote by m4lCzikDon't took your life too serious, don't took the game so serious, don't be a fag on the internet and try to live your life... but when it comes for you, that you will not sure what to do, just go outside, look at the sky and you will see how world can be great, it is great, it must be great. It's your life.

holy mother of balls. i just lost my ability to read english, after reading what you wrote above.
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