At my new place!

Weeee, I moved out yesterday, from my dorm room. My new apartment is 2 km from central Copenhagen, is 49 square meters and it's all mine! \o/

So I've just slowly started to unpack and get things setup, it will be so nice. I am still in need of a couch though.

It's MINE!
image: mine
and first thing you setup was ur computer... unexpected ! :D

hf :)
Nah, it was my TV. But second thing was my puter :D
Grats. Having your own place & space to w/e the fuck you want is awesome.
rly nice. Have fun, enjoy your time in your OWN place:)
I also have my own flat, it's really fucking great:) hf
I land in Copenhagen on the 12th of Jan you going to give me a lift to Lund? What's your price? Actually how much would a taxi be from Copenhagen to Lund? Can you even get a taxi to do that?
It's going to be a hell of a long way, on the back of a bicycle, and I wouldn't buy a taxi if I were you. You can use this page to check trains: Pick Denmark and Skåne in the drop down menus and write Copenhagen Airport and Lund University; the page suggests some station called Lund Univ-sjukhuset, which I would guess is the university. You are able to buy the ticket at the airport.
Taxi from copenhagen to lund? lol!
49m² , 1 room? :D
2 rooms!

Anyway, it's a very old apartment, there's no sink in the 2,5m² bathroom :P
nice good for u :)
gl with that !
gL with itoO
Hf & enjoy your time!
awesome you managed to have internet at the first day? would be impossible in germany :(

gratz dude
gratz and enjoy :P
nice, enjoy and eat healthy!
hope you have some nice cooking skills:D i dont have any, thats why i am living with my gf haha
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