estonian provider bullshit ?!

So heres the story:

Today I start my PC, everything is just fine as always was in 6 years, suddenly my internet disconnects. I'm like yeah maybe some problems at the starman (my provider company) base of theirs, wen't to sleep for 4 hours.

Wake up in the evening, no internet. I call them , listen to faggot music for 10 minutes till my turn is, and the faggot operator says to me:

Excuse me, but we have noticed a virus on your computer, we have limited your internet. When you will clean your PC, call us back and we will turn it on back, if we will see this problem with you again, you will be charged with 120eek (around 9 euro), and if again 350eek and so on. So obviously I didn't clean shit, but I've my internet back.( i called them saying yeah blabla i cleaned but i didnt do shit)


1) Did this bullshit happen to anyone in your country?
2) Should I clean my PC and install an antivirus? (did not have an antivirus for 6 years and all was ok)
3) Or is this just a way to get muniez?

fucking formal faggots i raged whole evening about this :9(((999((

image: DoItFormal_Faggot
haha failer
typical belgian response , nothing new
Dunno, sitting on approximately 0.1 mbs here again, cba loading speedtest for 10 minutes so a random guess.
Cant play ET. my life is over
No idea, but seriously you're a lucky guy compared to me, my polish wireless connection was pissing me off @ first, but then i got used to it, pings around 2k don't make me feel like crushing computer anymore :p Well it's not like that everyday, but it's pretty often tbh. And about virus, maybe you should install some programs, and see if u really had this, or they were liars !
Any possible ideas for a fast program to check PC? Cba to install some kaspersky or norton shit :S
mksvir prolly, it's nice, google it
LoL'd "we noticed a virus on your computer so we shut it down" Thats the biggest bullshit i've ever read =D
yeah i was in shock aswell, told all my homeboys they were like "the fuck?", just plain bs -.-
I know that your internet can be like shut down for downloading n stuff.. or if you forget to protect your wireless so people go send around spam =D (thats what we had.. forgot to put a PW on our wireless (A) :D
i've wireless router, but most of the time its shutdown because my dad rarely use it, so kinda pointless + never had a PW on it aswell
well i suggest you to install av & fw anyway.
i think U = NAAB
well I dont know much about that stuff but that sounds like terrible lie or cheap joke/trick. Nevertheless If I were you I would invest some time in installing decent antivirus, not sure if its gonna help, but not gonna damage anything though. good luck, don't let them make fool out of you:)
sounds like a horrible day :(
Nearly the same thing happened to my acquaintance from Koeln.. the provider hasn't limited the inet-speed, but turned the connection completely off..

so you're not the only one in this world, vessik.. =)

[russian]Esli chto pishi v msn, ya tebe podrobnee rasskazhu pro tot sluchay.. xD[/russian]
In our office (small company) we got a server installed for email service, file storage ...

2 days later the provider called and told us they limited our bandwith because we were sending emails like crazy and if we don't stop they gonna ban us from their service.

It turned out the guys installing the server were noobs and didn't do much security so it turned into a spam box right after it was online. The guys fixed the problem and since then everything is fine.

So the story from your provider seems valid to me and you should consider using some kind of security tools for your pc.
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