The team of four, vs computer on EASY mode, Scarzy Meez Shuki and Aza.

Tonight we embarked on the most spectacular and depressing days of our lives, three hours later and we're not really sure what to think of our victory against those troublesome foes.

We played RoN, a easy game of RoN, and we won, three hours later. I had top score and can now sleep with images of tanks a happy man.

Meez had this to say:
The penultimate night of the decade of the new millennium, we played RoN for 3 hours, STRAIGHT. I can only feel happy and proud of this. We trained at Scarzy's lan over the weekend felt up for the challenge, we excelled in flying colours.

image: untitled3
image: untitled4
image: 3hoursstraight
'nother game?
The LAN at which you spent most of your time turning around looking defeated EVERY TIME I OWNED YOU?

Like this?

image: Image028
Looks like my basement XD
Nukes are always the answer. The only reason it took so long is because I was the only one firing nukes and nukes only for 3 hours.
is that a new game?
rise of nations, quite a good game but its old :)
My ron squad will destroy you any day.
I love RoN! :)
scarzy i luf joe!
Sounds like very nice game :)
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