Show your desk
31 Dec 2009, 11:02
I'm interested on how your desk looks like when you play ET..
I'll start, here's mine :)
I'll start, here's mine :)
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
my summer setup
oh... and I DO get outside of my house
wrm wil je dat allemaal weten?
we hebben geen vrienden.. dus geen 3e
en dat 3e scherm kreeg m'n pa ooit bij een nieuwe pc en stond maar weg te rotten, dus nam ik die maar over
you must be hardcore :c
Im in need of some awesome speakers with some nice bass : D
Mine aren't in this list, but those speakers are rly good if it comes to bass.
Prefer open to closed but guess it depends on the noise situation. I'm feeling I might be regretting it when I'm at uni.
I just lined them up for a nice nerdy shot.
but i move keys away when paly paly
I'm lefty :)
soz for bad quality :p
+ my extended desktop for the movies etc.
how much did u pay for it? infos plz
oh thanks spiROZE now i know what books are for !!!
aka ne leeuw
en gij pakt da beest in zijn gat
aka het hol van de leeuw
I wish ;)
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Tis my uber cool world political map!
A dark brown desk, pc is on the ground, its dusty, my right side of the desk is dusty and it has mobile phone holder there, shaped like a heart. its cute :3. a pretty big mousemat chillin in the middle, with a orange mouse on it :)))). pretty big crt next to it, also a paper with food bits on it and 2 pens
Shit quality, took it on my phone