happy nerd year

just wanted to wish u nerds a happy new year!
why a guy is calling u nerds 30 mins before the new year? cause im @home with mates and we are fucking drunk \o/
yaya "cool story bro", i know!

a lil vid for u fags <3

just some german oldschool rap :>

btw Frop: remember image: Image1

fu for that! ur a random wnb that is using his adminpower! <3

shoutout to:

fuck the rest!

idle in #\o/ or gtfo
happy new year or what ever!
Function: Member
Recent Journals: Which Server Tonight????

nigger pls!
:DDDDDDDD that one made my evening! <3
HAPPY NEW nerd YEAR to you too ! blieeeeeed mai friend.
jakob, srsly, ur one of the less guys i like in that fucked up ET-community <3
oh wait: Age: 17
tja, 2000 ham se gesagt alle pc systeme kacken ab...und HEUTE isses soweit ://///////
hauste rein! schee wars wieder...ganze pulli is schwarz -.-
drecks raketen inner hand losgelassn :/
and no shoutout to me :(
sry, just copied the list out of my profile! i'll add u now! <3
<3 you
happy new year :D
never :D!
is halt nichmehr das selbe wir mit 12-13....
heute lässt man sich voll laufen, hautn paar raketen raus un gut is...

dann komm ma bei mir vorbei! wohnzimmer is voll mit alk, terasse is voll mit alk, kühlschrank is voll mit alk! da wird sich auch was für dich finden lassen :DDD
neckarsulm, bei heilbronn...nähe stuttgart...du?
für n bissle alk schon :D
is mit sicherheit noch was über
for a drunken guy you make nice journals
idle in #\o/ or gtfo!
nice comments to wp drunken guy ill take option 2 gtfo bb
Where is awaki btw ? he is sooo sad ;s
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