IRC Clients?

I got extremely bored of clicking continue on mIRC (+nnscript) and any cracks or serials i would try would not work.

After i realized that my preferred linux client XChat was also on a trial, i started to search for something new.

I came across Pirch98, obviously released in 1998, i had not come across this before mainly because mIRC had long become the favorite and still remains to be the favorite.

I was not going to embark on the bumpy road of Limechat like superstar allstar meez, so gave it a go, happy with it so far apart from the fact that i can't control + a to highlight my message.

Have you used any unusual or different IRC clients?

Also for all the facebook users, i got in touch with a facebook developer to see if it would be possible for Facebook Chat to run as a IRC server for all those nerds out there that use IRC for Quakenet and MSN.

Happy new years xx

E: After some extensive use of and trial and error i realise that i cannot happily support my MSN and Quakenet at all. Not enough tabs, looking for another alternative.
happy new year scarzy
You too man, tallinn fun?
Score, MSN soon?
nah cba

back to tartu soon
Happy New year

Buy an mirc license ...
Dont want to use pidgin. Still concern it as bloatware.

Went for Xircon with numerous scripts, beautiful client based on Pirch
Just pick your favourite from wiki. But really I was disappointed with the xchat policy and also need a new win32 client...
I've only ever used mIRC (+nnscript) so any clients I mention have not been tested by me.

ChatZilla: (If you're a FF user)
Was going through the list on wiki, and after removing proprietary and 1-system-only clients nothing much has left. Things like LeafChat look very pretty and nice but I want a chat client not a lag software (maybe you have another opinion on Java based apps :)).

Ive just installed kvirc and it looks very promising. Retarded background image can be removed and everything is customizable, so I think Ill stick to that.

Good luck and let me know if you find something better :)
This doesnt look like a very major issue but still you've got a point. Probably the unstable build fixes it.
well this is just a site with public exploits.

i just came over smuxi.. its the only client with x64 support and seems rly lightweight. too bad there arent any real themes :/

what have u tested already and what were your opinions?
I dont hang on irc for hours so tested only few clients. mIRC has a big + for its lightweightness, my favourite one was xchat, but its no longer freeware on windows. Thats actually what Im looking for - multi os + no Java + lightweight and nice, do you have any ideas what can be worth testing? Ill try the smuxi in the meantime.
EDIT: uhh smuxi uses .NET...
nettalk, irssi?

havent used one of them yet
Depends on your preferences and the os you're using. Irssi is console based, nettalk - shareware? or just crack the mirc :)
true about irssi.. so sucks :P

and nettalk is free

guess i will stick to mirc
1. irssi
2. Xchat
3. mIRC
ever used weechat?

a rebuilding/enhancement of irssi. stuff like windowlists/nicklists are no longer cheap hacks and actually function
Nope haven't tried weechat and probably won't since I have my shell from the university and they don't allow installing anything by yourself.
Xchat & Nettalk? Both free and feature rich IRC clients ... Anyway, using Pidgin for a while now, since it supports most of protocols (like twitter, IRC, FB) and no need to run different programs - all in one window, so to say.
Happy new year honey <3

irssi xchat mirc
cracks work perfect for mirc nab
there are free builds of xchat for windows, eg silverex
windows xchat isn't free afaik?

linux is a different story
Use the silverex version of xchat. It has no trial :)
I guess you're right its the best solution :)
xchat ftw
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