poker tourney

hoi, i just qualified for the $1000 sunday freeroll @ 15:20et on fulltilt
anyone else of you participating?
you qualified for a freeroll, very impressive m8 :)
took 2 hours:/
Great Success! Good luck. i play on Pokerstars mostly...
So you won a chance to play on freeroll , well done :P Maybe we can see you on TV soon !
actually thats my main aim in nearer future
after graduation ill play qualification freerolls 24/7 and youll see me at latest @ wsop 2011 on tv
autograph plz
I got disqualified once
nice share!
What is the best pokersites for freerolls? I mean with the most of them?
played everest, pokerstars & fulltilt so far, prefer the latter
no offense but i think theres 20000 slots for that tourney ^^
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