Fun with anonymous chat website :D

LOL! I had so much fun on this chat website today, made my day ^^:

I'd like to see some of your chats, would be hilarious to read them xD!!!

This is happened recently:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: wanna fuck?
You: hellu
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: girl
You: me too :)... I'm a girl too :o!
Stranger: :0
Stranger: are u virgin?
You: Wait let me put on a strap-on
You: no, you?
Stranger: no
You: wanna have cybersex ;)?
You: What nation do you represent?
Stranger: where are u from
You: Sweden, you?
Stranger: hungary
You: nice
Stranger: show me your ass
You: you got a cam?
Stranger: its crappy:S
You: I'll play with my dildo... shuv it into my tight pussy
You: you like that?
Stranger: ohh yea
Stranger: <3
You: mmm, I need a few more minutes until I'll start to cum.....
You: aaah yes! YES! YES!
Stranger: aaaah
You: afk
You: mmm, you there? I just had to run to my bathroom to grab some tissuepaper
Stranger: im here
You: Are you shy :)?
Stranger: wanna see my ass?
You: I think I'm gonna find a boy to make up with...
You: yea I'd love to. I'll show you mine
You: hey that's fake!!!
Stranger: and why?
You: post me another
Stranger: i havent:(
ask praskoo who the king of the "random chat" is!
rollin' MW2 nerds
QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yo niggah
Stranger: hello im a horny 17 year old girl
You: alright
Stranger: yes
You: what ya doin' right now?
Stranger: making myself happy
Stranger: if u no wat i mean
You: NO I don't
You: tell me!
Stranger: i am sticking a dildo up my vagina
You: nice to hear!
You: Got a picture of ur self?
Stranger: fuck u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

What did I say wrong?:D
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Oops ;<

E: managed to get a chick to send a pic (real cus she got loads of he and checked google!) :D
QuoteStranger: Hello
You: hey
You: boy/girl?
Stranger: girl
Stranger: you?
You: boy
You: got a pic of urself?

I don't get it, what am I saying wrong?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: knock knock
Stranger: who's there?
You: disco
Stranger: disco who?
You: disconnect
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
tryed for myself .

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: knock knock
Stranger: m or f
Stranger: whos there
You: disco
Stranger: disco who
You: disconnect
Stranger: no
You: :/
best one was when i chatted to soemone from guy

he was german :D
Too bad you can't share :(
pic or never happend!
it was me :P tho I still can't get it how lucky that was to pick a crossfire user, there were like 5000 chatters 8D

do you still have the logs? that was some hilarious shit.. :D
yea I've seen these journals before but the site is new I think?
new? that site is older than internet!
"...was launched on March 25, 2009"
yeah,so fucking old.
I, too, was once bored

Stranger: hey
You: Hits you with a Mithril Long Sword for 14 damage. You are critically injured.
You: Hits you with a Mithril Long Sword for 13 damage. You have perished.
You: Loots your body
You: You awaken in the Dwarven national hospital.
You: You remember nothing
Stranger: shit man
You: You have (5) Potion of Healing, Iron Shortsword, Wooden Shield
Stranger: you hit me with a mithril sword!
You: There is one door. It is not locked
You: You see no other ways of leaving the room.
You: You feel fine.
Stranger: nice
Stranger: :D
You: You scratch your cheek.
You: You feel fine.
You: You hear footsteps
You: You are mildly disturbed
You: The door is opened.
You: An attractive female nurse enters the room
You: Miorin: "Hello"
You: Miorin: "Ehm... alright, show these to the doctor...". She has a disgusted look on her face as she hands you a paper.
You: You try to find a mirror to see what caused the disgust.
You: You examine the papers Miorin gave you.
You: According to the papers you are in good shape.
You: Your curse has not faded.
You: "What curse?"
You: You try to recall a curse. Your mind is blank
You: You feel your face
You: Your face feels hard and weird
You: Your eyes are the side of your ears
You: size*
You: You must be very ugly, you assume.
You: You open the door.
You: You enter a corridor. Go (L)eft or (R)ight?
Stranger: R
You: You turn right.
You: You see a sink and a mirror
You: You drink from the tap and look into the mirror.
You: You try not to vomit.
You: You look like a beast. Your eyes are red, your face looks like it's made of wood
You: You feel scared
You: You don't want people to see you like that
You: You see a trash bin
You: You take all the paper that's in the bin and cover your head with it
You: You look like a red-eyed mummy.
You: A person is walking towards you
You: What is your name? _______
Stranger: Joonas
You: Glugnus: "Hi... Joonas"
You: Glugnus: "What's that paper?"
You: Glungus takes the paper from your hand.
You: Glugnus: "I'll take this"
You: (N)o, you won't / (O)kay, have it
Stranger: N
You: Glugnus: "Oh yes I will"
You: Glugnus hits you with fist for 5 damage. You feel enraged
You: (R)un away / (A)ttack with fist / (K)ick
Stranger: K
You: You kick Glugnus in the stomach for 8 damage. Glugnus falls to the floor, holding his stomach
You: Glugnus: "GUARDS! I'm being attacked!"
You: You hear several loud footsteps.
You: (T)urn back and run / (W)ait / (A)ttack Glugnus
Stranger: A
You: You kick Glugnus in the head for 30 damage. You turn Glugnus's head into a bloody pulp.
You: You feel the rush of adrenaline
You: You see 5 guards 100 feet away from you, in the end of the corridor.
You: (T)urn around and run / (W)ait / (R)un forward
Stranger: W
You: You wait. A guard attacks you with Imperial Steel Sword. You block the attack.
You: (A)ttack guard / (F)lee / (S)urrender
Stranger: A
You: You feel like there is a firestorm inside you.
You: The world seems to become smaller.
You: The guards have a terrified look on their face.
You: You attack the guard with claw for 64 damage. The guard has perished.
You: 4 guards run away.
You: (L)oot corpse / (T)urn around / (C)hase guards
Stranger: C
You: You charge toward the fleeing guards.
You: The guards kneel and beg you to spare their lives.
You: (K)ill guards / (T)ell the guards to get the hell out
Stranger: K
You: You attack Guard for 35 damage. Guard has perished
You: You attack Guard for 57 damage. Guard has perished
You: You attack Guard for 45 damage. Guard has perished
You: You attack Guard for 65 damage. Guard has perished
You: (S)earch for items / (R)un forward / (T)urn back
Stranger: S
You: You find an Imperial Steel Sword, 65 pieces of currency unknown to you, a key, and a sandwich. You pick everything up.
You: You see and hear nobody.
You: It's awkwardly silent, but not frightening
You: You feel like the king of the world
You: You feel hungry.
You: (E)at / (R)un forward / (S)leep
Stranger: E
You: You eat the sandwich.
You: You feel great in every way.
You: (R)un forward / (S)leep
Stranger: R
You: You run forward. There is an empty desk with no employee behind it. There is an open door to the outside
You: (E)xplore building / E(X)it building
Stranger: E
You: You explore the building.
You: You find out you're in a medical centre for curse victims and magic-related accidents.
You: You find a drawer full of weird potions.
You: You look out of a window.
You: You see a bright sun and something that resembles a Moon but is red.
You: You are not on Earth, the only planet you know anything about.
You: (T)ake potions / (J)ump out of window / (E)xit building from door
Stranger: T
You: You takes the potions from the drawer.
You: There are potions of almost every colour you can think of.
You: They smell unpleasant.
You: (D)rink potion / (E)xit building
Stranger: E
You: You exit the hospital.
You: You feel warm.
You: There is a gigantic tree in front of you.
You: There are insects everywhere.
You: The sky is clear.
You: There is a road.
You: (C)limb tree / (W)alk on road
Stranger: W
You: (L)eft or (R)ight?
Stranger: R
You: You walk right.
You: There is a small house on the right and a forest on the left.
You: The forest smells good.
You: (E)nter house / (G)o to forest
Stranger: E
You: You enter the house. The door is very small.
You: There is an old woman.
You: The old woman runs into the corner.
You: (E)xplain yourself / (G)o out / (A)attack Pam
Stranger: E
You: Pam doesn't seem to understand you.
You: Tears fall down her cheek.
You: (A)ttack Pam / (G)o out / (E)xplore house
Stranger: G
You: You leave the house.
You: There is a forest and a road in front of you.
You: (E)nter forest / (W)alk road
Stranger: W
You: You walk on the road. The sun is directly above you.
You: You feel the ground shaking.
You: You turn your head back.
You: You see at least 20 men riding horses half a mile away.
You: (R)un / (W)ait / R(u)n towards men / (E)nter forest
Stranger: R
You: You run. The sounds of the riders are becoming weaker.
You: You can't see the riders anymore. You think you've ran for 4 miles.
You: You feel anxious
You: You feel imminent danger
You: You panic and run into the forest
You: You feel safe.
You: There are large trees, colourful plants and insects.
You: You feel like everything in the forest is your friend.
You: You see a bear.
You: (W)ait / (A)ttack bear / (C)limb tree
Stranger: W
You: You wait. The bear approaches you.
You: You feel confident.
You: Bear: "Hello"
You: You think you're dreaming.
You: Bears don't talk.
You: Bear: "Can you speak?"
You: You answer.
You: ___________
Stranger: Yes.
You: Bear: "You look weird."
You: You hear a loud sound behind you.
You: The bear looks frightened
You: The bear runs away.
You: You turn around to see what's behind you.
You: You see a creature like no other.
You: It looks like it's made of fire rather than flesh.
You: Fire Golem attacks you with Fire Breath for 30 damage. You feel pain in your right arm.
You: (A)ttack Fire Golem / (F)lee
Stranger: A
You: You hit the Fire Golem with claw for 0 damage. Your right arm burns into a crisp.
You: Fire Golem attacks you with Fist for 25 damage. You collapse.
You: The sky seems to erupt.
You: An incredible force strikes the Fire Golem
You: The Fire Golem is vapourized. You suffer 20 damage from the explosion.
You: The sky seems to be talking to you
You: Voice in the sky: "Joonas"
You: ____________
Stranger: umm... What?
You: Voice in the sky: "I am your lord. Do you want to know why you were created?"
You: (Y)es / (N)o
Stranger: Y
You: todella tylsistyneen 18-vuotiaan miehen huvitukseksi.
Quote by pallo

You: Hits you with a Mithril Long Sword for 14 damage. You are critically injured.

lol VITUN LOWI STRENA!!!!!!11!2
14 dmg on mahdollinen vaikka se ois 999
LOL spent like 10 mins reading this :DDDDDDDDD

how long did it take u to write all this out? :D
translate the last two sentences :D
For the amusement of a really bored 18-year old man
you were on fire at this time or what!?! :P
WTF? one 17 years old girl from USA called me RAPIST :D
QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: asl
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

What did I say wrong?
there was a chat where u talked to god, any1 remembers that one?
/q juhaaa on irc
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hello beaurful
You: girl ?
Stranger: boy
Stranger: u
page where trolls troll trolls
Stranger: love uuuuuu
Stranger: haha
You: u a pedo?
Stranger: pedo ?
Stranger: khgrvbj\
You: pedobear?
Stranger: whats is that?
You: can u guess
Stranger: uuuuuuuuuuuuu
You: wrong
Stranger: ops
You: u like taking it up the ass?
Stranger: bye bitch
QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 1on1 med+ hs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

your mom is a milf?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: STAR
You: FU
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
yeah, tried that trick with star on me too!
goddamn u're sick
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Hi, I am a boy, looking for a girl to chat on webcam, if you are one asl? (Disconnect if you are not on skype)
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: i dont do net guys. sorry
Stranger: ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
You: Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hows it going?
You: great
You: you know what
Stranger: what?
You: this conversation is being watched live by hundreds of people on crossfire!
You: how do you feel about that?!
Stranger: i honestly don't care
You: you know what
You: Neither do the people on crossfire!
Stranger: what?
Stranger: probably not
You: So what do you do for a living
You: World of warcraft or runescape?
Stranger: nope, school
You: uhm, thats not an awnser....
You: WoW or runescape
Stranger: i don't play either
Stranger: its easy, i have a life
You: oh pleaseee....
Stranger: nope, i'm just not a 40 year old freak
You: how can you call that stuff what you do life
You: if you dont even play wow or runescape
You: seriously
You: youre like...
You: the most retarded person ever
You: I mean
You: everyone plays
Stranger: i guess so
You: wait
You: dont tell me I went back in time
You: that has to be it
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey hows it going 18 m usa here. hbu.
You: yea hi
You: one thing...
You: it's not that i have smthng against gays you know,... but its not my style you kno
You: but be happy with it
Stranger: WHAT
You: i appreciate that
You: i mean..some like boys some like girls
You: nothing wrong with it
Stranger: i am straight
You: but imma stick to girls ya kno
You: oh i thought you're like..
You: ..searching for gays
Stranger: no
You: oh boy..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
Stranger: hii
You: i am horny
Stranger: me too m/f?
You: both
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
milf = mom I'd like to fuck?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from
You: dunno
You: u?
Stranger: where ??
Stranger: poland
You: oh u lag man?
You: u fukin unhit?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ragequit :DDDDDDDDD
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 1on1 med hs
Stranger: m/f
You: 1on1 med hs
You: not m/f
You: oO
You: e/t
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: Happy Mardi Gras!
Stranger: You got beads?
You: uo sup
Stranger: you are not doing very well.
You: 5o5 et med+ ourserv ok ?
Stranger: from russia?
You: poland
You: you
Stranger: sweden
You: millan !!! kanker nerd !
Stranger: Suca!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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