afraid of survival horror games?

idk tbh i enjoy watching any horrormovie as long as it stays tensing and surprising me
e. g. mirrors, with kiefer sutherland, right in the beginning of the movie you see the evil, that evil that instantly kills a random tard and you exactly know that will be the whole plot <- THIS AINT HORROR IT IS JUST BORING

i love the feeling you have when watching movies like..uhm..blair witch project or ju-on because in reallife usually there arent many other things that scare me besides nightmares maybe even tough i tend to try not to wake up to soon when experiencing them

when it comes to videogames it seems i just cant stand em o.ò
maybe i was to young first time, i was like 10 or 11 and i was asking a friend in school to borrow me a shooting game for psx and he was like ya thats one take resident evil 2 and when i waited for the usual fps screen hud to pop up i died standing in between the zombie coming out from the truck and the other one

after that i could never stand dark places in any game like no shit tomb raider 3 in the mansion when you go behind the garden theres a small gap between house and wall which is darker then the rest of the map :/

longest game i played so far was code veronica until the ...boss at the house i suppose, in that time i didnt have a memory card yet (ps2) i was so low on health i just let my ps2 run like forever and then turning it off after dieing once.

ive come to the conclusion that i maybe dont fear the game itself BUT loosing or dieing to some random creep while getting ganked from somewhere :/

what do you think
gmorning anyway
i got scared while playing doom95!
dont make jokes of that!
i am not, i really did
haha I never play such games. generally same situation here, I like horror movies and rly enjoy them but I would never touch horror game. On the other hand I always enjoy watching my brother playing them:)
quite the opposite... can't stand horror movies, survival horror games on the other hand are enjoyable.

you should try Thief I, combines those dark places and undead pretty well, MUCH much scarier than RE anyway :D
Haha i only played level 1 of that game :'D then i was Holy water? Zombies? thxbb
Half Life 1 was scary. =<
u got pwnd in HoN yesterday
Silent Hill was probably one of the only games that forced me to turn my Playstation off. It had me sweating.
i liek horror movies, but dont liek horror games :o
i was even scared when i played diablo 2 for the first time those 10 years ago when i was 11 or so :D. but no movie scares the shit out of me :/

diablo 1 scared me as a kid (nevermind it was hard as shit) but i was ok with diablo 2, generally coz someone else was always in the room
... :D ye, i didnt want to play it when i was alone, but when friends were around i wouldnt be afraid to play :DD
Tenchu on the PSone really scared the shit out of me for some reason :[
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