godfather trilogy

ok so i finally watched godfather II disc 1 and some advice if you ever need to fall asleep just watch this movie :D like if you always slept at 4 o clock and need to get to bed at 11 o clock again for school tomorrow this helps really...

im not saying its a bad movie cuz i love godfather trilogy (well so far godfather 1 and 2 disc 1) but it has this side-effect of sleepnessisity..

so my question: who watched a godfather movie like fully without sleeping or daydreaming w/e

cuz you know im no movie expert or something but i consider myself a profesional moviewatcher and i never had so many problems in watching a movie then the godfather series :D

PS: got disc 2 and godfather III to go thats like another 6-8 hours? w/e
These movies never bore me, but so do you :D <3 anima waar speel je nu ouwe skill0r :P
uhh inspiron clan beetje ouwehoeren en bi0 alsk nix te doen heb
it's a movie you need to think, its a movie with alot of complex, infact, its a movie only for people with brains
its so boring
it's a thinking movie, you need brains 'nd stuff I suppose
Quote by animaso my question: who watched a godfather movie like fully without sleeping or daydreaming w/e


Quote by animacuz you know im no movie expert or something but i consider myself a profesional moviewatcher


well i consider myself a professional movie watcher too

i just dont get paid to do it

godfather one is good

2 is bisexual

3 is gay

best gangster movie ever is : Goodfellas imo


<33 " pok pok pok pok pok pok pok pok pok pok pok I swear on my fucking mother, if you touch her ever again youre dead "

i cried when i saw that scene for the first time
didint see it, but about gangster movies -> american gangster is also very very very good!
it's for 16 years and older, that why you prolly didnt get it :(
no i seen it and i liked it but i said boring to you in like `boring old news` get it? :D
i can pretend i do -_-

not very awake yet , so i have trouble processing the post -_-
I saw many mafia/gangster movies in my holidays

Godfather 1-3
American Gangster
Boondock Saints
City of god

Godfather trilogy was brilliant
scarface ??
ye was good indeed, but didnt watch it in my holidays :)

started to watch all imdb top 100 movies not older than 1970 and no animation movies i didnt know before

had to watch 10 films and 6 are left

"the usual suspects" 8,7
"Avatar" 8,6 (cinema only)
"The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain" 8,5
"The Lives of Others" 8,4
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" 8,4
"Downfall" 8,3
usual suspects and amelie are amazing
ok thx, i didtn start wo watch amelie cause i thought its a movie for women only :D
well it kinda is, but it's rly rly good, so also a must see!
usual suspects is one of my favorite movies of all time tho, so defo watch that!
usual suspects is amazing........ 10/10
Have a look at "Once upon a time in America" ,classic gangland movie

yeah know it :-)

also very good <3
watched it
godfather 1 rox
2 is ok
3 is crap
cant get myself to watch it really
ye i know exactly how you feel but i hate leaving things at half so gotta watch it all or dont start at all
let be honest - godfather is sooo fucking boring... but after you watch it the idea of how awesome this movie is, will come to you
Quotei consider myself a profesional moviewatcher

You make a living from watching movies? :-\
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