niu monitor

im thinking about buying a new monitor
atm i have a samsung syncmaster 226BW.
I would like to have a 22" or bigger one ( NOT TALKING ABOUT MY PENIS )
Are those 120hz LCDs any good ?
Suggest me something !

as reward the stripper from Italy dios birthday
image: nzr4w5
yes those are dios legs
120hz ones are awesome
sarcasm or fo real ? and which one exactly
any of them
and buying another usual 60hz monitor = fail since bw226 is already one of the best for gaming
image: 41QjHxiqm2L

LG Electronics W2286L
samsung syncmaster 24"
any 24" monitor from known brand and new tco is awesome
the chick should turn 180 degrees
got also pictures of that but they would get nuked by some nazi admin :(
just bought ViewSonic VX2268wm 120hz and its really nice :)
Got the samsung 2233rz 22" 120hz monitor,feels good with ET

Awkward getting the 120hz to work with some ATI cards,and there maybe some other makes of 120hz monitors with lower response times >5ms
oh mama, I got 226bw and 2233rz oh mama
any big difference ? how are 120hz on the lcd ?
it's actually pretty good. There's surely a lot difference compared to an ordinary 60/75 Hz, but still it lacks something compared to CRT @ 120Hz. Anyway, I was able to replace my biiig CRT with an lcd, so I was satisfied.
got already one yiama vision master 22" but its just too big
yes true :(
tits too small
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