windows 7 + Et !!

getting kicked for Server Communitcation Failure: PnkBstrA.exe
run as admin + download pbsetup.exe and update ETs PB

+ set pba/b admin rights
+ dont alt+enter or ctrl alt del
/quit ET
ET on Win7 = fail
Cause punkbuster sucks on it, kept getting kicked for pnkbstr b, done everything possible to fix it, few people had the same problems *_*
sad to hear ;'( but I've also heard some positive thinks about playing ET on Windows Vista and Windows 7, like it's lag free on there, although I don't know if that's true. I'm comfortable with my Windows XP SP3 : )
punkbuster sux everywhere..
Completely fine on linux for me :_)
pb and linux :D
not... installed it once, everything is working fine, never got kicked because of anything.
its just because u guys are too stupid to set up a computer properly.
oh wait, maybe its because ur just 5 years old :PP ;)
I'm legally 5, so no excuses there. I know how to 'set up a computer' perfectly fine. ET was working great on win7 x64 for me until an update one evening then it kept kicking me for pnkbstr b, haven't tried it since though -_-
im 5 aswell, keep that in mind! ;)
im using x64 too, never had any problems with updates, et is just running like on its first day!
Will be getting a new sata drive soon so will be installing Win7 on it as I actually liked the OS as a whole, just pissed off 'cause of the constant kicking after some update : (
maybe it was some win update u did recently?
cause i never did windows updates as im using an illegal copy (i havent said that :P)
So was mine a pirate copy, but could get updates too on it :_D Not sure, will see how it goes soon : )
well, i could get updates too, but im not willing to do it, since im afraid they will sue me because of piracy :<
depend of how u load win7 :F
had the same problem just run PnkrstrA and B as admin and give them explicit acces on both Firewall and Anti-Virus.. then ET on Windows 7 shouldn't give any problems, works fine for me now
run ET.exe and ETDED.exe with windows XP SP2 compâtibility

do the same for pnkbstra and pnkbstrB but run them with administrator right more (windows, system32 or sysWoW64)
+1 but he needs win7 pro or ultimate for that.
worked on every version =)

but if he wants to vid restart, open et, load etpro, exec config, vid_restart, connect =D
ET and Win7 works just fine. :)

Run pbsvc.exe :) (google for it)
the one versus date eiji was quite close
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