Weird obsession with milk

Good morning Crossfire, I need some help here. I woke up at 6 and i was extremely thirsty and I felt like i needed milk, so i go to the fridge and unload around 500 ML of milk, I think i feel satisfied, then i go to sleep again. 2 hours later, i wake up thirsty again, go to the fridge and drink the rest of the pack (like 500 ml). 30 minutes ago the same deal, I opened another pack and i was drinking milk so frantically, i think i woke up as an overgrown baby or something. Now im writing this journal trying to resist the urge to run back and literally pump the fridge from milk, but i dont know if i can control the thirst. It consumes me. If anyone has experienced or known somebody who has experienced something similar, please help.

image: 22g3td
i hate milk

edit: now i read it, ure in ure menopause
Milk is good!
I dont think it is if you are grown up, i heard it gives way too much calcium to bones that its not healthy to drink more than a glass per day.
even if its true you should not worry about it
every mineral/protein and viitamin in it is useless, we can't digest the protein and use it after it gets split, very low calcium and vitamin d3.. All milk does is make you fat :p
i bet u dont drink milk eh?
bull is better
nerd drinking bull all day so he can pracc hard, you failed at life because of et. For ensample, you failed so hard at school because you pracc 24/7
milk is for loser
It's your quest in search of nipples!
haha :DDD (btw, gij moet werken en ni op crossfire zitte!! ;p)
Replace gij <--> spiROZE
Replace werken <--> Studeren
pff =(

swel een schoontje ma kkem geen goesting om te lere :p
milk is good but can't never drink more than 1L at a time :S
Ye I got the same thing once. The specific flavour of the milk lets you want to drink more milk. Solution: eat something & drink water or cola or something.
There's nothing like a cold glass of milk in the morning! It doesn't help with the thirst though, so drink some water instead.
mh, would like to have a glass of milk now, too. stupid journal :<
i love milk :D
you'll shit the shit out of yourself later, have fun
i bet on m1lk becouse he dont think
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