Best movie in 2009

Which was your best movie in last year i preffer blood and bone fighting movie i need some titles :P
Pick'n'roll or smth ;p
Inglorious Basterds
avatar was awesome!

just watched it in 3D some days ago... amazing :)
avatar was only awesome cause you watched it in 3D :p otherwise the movie is avarage
Idd I watched it regularly and I almost fall asleep average movie at best.
same goes to Star Wars... the movie was average, yet FX was extremly good @ 70s... and now its legendary movie... same faith for Avatar imo
star wars 4 5 6 are not legendary because of the animation. There are good movies.
yes they are famous because of special effects revolution started by SW...

the story is simple and obvious, acting is poor, only music is noticable but prolly because its all made by symphonic orhestra... overall nothing special
the story was epic, the built up of the movie is fucking epic, the charakters were fucking great (apart from luke), in its gerne i would still consider then alot better then most modern day sience fiction.
story was epic? lol, every single fantasy movie/book got pretty similar one... young boy from nowhere becomes a hero etc etc etc...

and only Han may be considered as interesing ...

Star Wars were simply, like good western but with stars and ships instead of horses and desert, everyone knew how the first movie/saga would end... the magic was in this simplicity and special effects
mm maybe it was because i havent seen them since i was very young. But star wars had a real feeling of sience fiction, not like avatar with stupid blue running guys and perfect green worlds (altough i havent seen it). Dunno i tought the whole built up and the slow introduction of the enemy and the epicness of the jedi`s. It all matched quite perfect.
avatar is pretty good piece of scifi... the movie was 2,5 h long and i wasnt bored, didnt go on a smoke even once...

and i watched it on my pc, whitout all the uber effects... it was still amazing movie...

Both SW and avatar got same kind of tension that forces you to watch even if you know how the story will end
mm its so long ago that ive seen a good sci-fi, maybe i should watch it.
do not compare Avatar to Star Wars ever again. SW movies had awesome special effects, good plot without too many unnecessary threads and well played characters. Furthermore, it was a real science fiction movie with unique universum. Avatar is just another movie you can watch and forget.

avatar is really great
same here best 3D movie ever :)
Dead Snow (bloody and freakin' hilarious!)

image: dead-snow-poster
fuck yeah!
my cousin knows that director dude :P
I know a guy who's cousin knows the director, fucking sick man :D
Holy shizzle, i know a guy who knows a guy whos cousin knows the director dude, fucking amazing!
edit = fail
Stupid apostrophe-fail @ knows :(((
WTF is dat nou weer voor een POEPFILM!
gr8 taste!
why shall i shush?
Inglorious basterds by far. Also Gran Torino was very good.
If i have to pick one, i'll say Gran Torino. Amazing flick
Got that sitting downstairs, fitting for a snow day?
Always fitting, i saw it at the cinema without having any idea how awesome it was in advantage.
Just go see it, NOW, dammit.
tnx guys
Gran Torino :) and Avatar
Gran Torino is 2008 movie geniuses. And Inglorious Basterds was nothing special.
Release date 9 January 2009
USA 9 December 2008 (Burbank, California) (premiere)
USA 12 December 2008 (limited)
Canada 19 December 2008 (limited)
USA 9 January 2009

And I agree with him, inglorious basterds was nothing special. It was an OK flick to watch but I expected so much more and it could've been so much more.
Usually the film year is considered ended when Oscars are given out.
says who?

Usually the release year of a movie is simply the one in which it got premiered.
Gran torino is considered 2008 for sure. no arguing that
agree, opening scene was just wonderfull, but the rest was abit of a dissapointment
I expected the seperate story lines to intertwine further down the movie, which is sorta typical for tarantino, but that sadly never rly happened to a degree which would've made it an epic movie.
Inglorious Basterds was the first movie I've seen that actually got the language shit right. Even the British soldier that gets busted for his minor accent had only a minor accent.
+1 for basterds
Inglourious Basterds
Avatar 3D was a kickass movie :P
Avatar and I didn't watch it in 3D :D It was a very nice movie anyway.
Inglorious basterds was just stupid. At least the end ruined the whole movie.
gnajda's bustmovie?

oh wait 20.7.2008 :/
public enemies? even if the end fucked rest of the movie
ololololol its the french frogg <333
heh spaghetti how ya doing m8? <3
Im fine thanks and u ? still playin et ?
fine nah not for the moment might be back to it for a short period next week =) and you?
just playing sometimes with 4evolution <3
Any guy who didnt say Inglourious Basterds obviously didnt watch the movie or is a fucking moron... or both...

Tarantino amazed me with his movie, IT was good old Quentin, like in Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs...

probably one of the best movies ever made by human hand, not only in 2009
its only the best from hollywood, of which 95% are stupid predictable movies for the main stream crowd (like everyone here). First 2 scenes were good but after that it didnt get alot better then mediocre. doenst come close to the 2 you name.
Avatar, Taken, State of Play, Pandorrum, Brothers, Law Abiding Citizen, The Box

just a few I liked
zombieland :d
Hell yeah ^^ Great movie :p Best part is the scene with the chubby/fat guy in the supermarkt and the guy slashes him into bits with a pair of scissors xDD
Law Abiding Citzien (Gesetz der Rache)
Avatar 3D
The Blind Side ?
None, this was a shitty year for movies actually. There were average movies but not excellent productions.
Up was good, were some others too but can't remember them anymore.
liked avatar 3d
my top3 of movies I've seen:

1. Avatar - great storyline and nice 3D effects, really enjoyable
2. Inglorious Bastards - <3 tarantino
3. Death Race - great action and I just love Stathams accent :D

Hangover was very good aswell and prolly fits in smwhere btween those 3, but ok ;d
death race? you have got to be fucking kidding me.
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