Another epic HoN game

Once again we raped the living shit out of some 'clan'. We decided to play with one tank and 4 non carry int/agi chars :D Basicly kraken accidently did his ulti which happened next to my polywog priest wards. Crazy shit goes on. In true honstyle you are staring at your screen, trying to make sense of it. Lightning flashes and lots of colours. Midas was playing thunderbringer and started mashing his buttons like crazy, bodies hit the floor everywhere.

Anyway, long story short: Kraken = owns and polywog with restoration stone wants his babies.

mm, on a side note thunderbringer and sand wraight send warm greets from their honeymoon (no really, combining those two + some restoration stone and mock of brilliance = 1337)

And I also would like to take the time to point out that the more you play together with someone in hon, the more your PSR will start being the same, kinda like women who are close sharing their blood party every month.

Anyway, back to work. cu @ hon tonight

ps: need team for cc7
Quote4 non carry

Quotesand wraight (what?)

sand wraight was another game :p basicly we combo's our ultis :D I'm not sure but i think the CD is about the same so whenever I saw sand popping up all across the map I ultied :D He had mock of brilliance, I had staff of master so we prolly did 5 x 1000 damage or so :)
hey mate :) we have to play again!
q at #TAG.hon ;)
geh halt vent
hab halt iwie die ip nimme. :/
Suppaboy stole your spot :'( You are no longer welcome.
:< hope you have fun with your new guy to babysit
fuzz is a raging demsham :)
kraken is the best carry!
QuoteAnd I also would like to take the time to point out that the more you play together with someone in hon, the more your PSR will start being the same

Unless the person you play with is Shuki.

I went Deedwood 3x Runed Axe this morning. Carried. I did more damage to people stood next to my target than my target. Funny shit.
Deadwood ... ::drool::

Seriously the stun is just op, ok it got a delay but the range on that thing is just imba ... During lane part you wait till you reach lvl 6 and you go in for some kills. I diddnt find his ulti that strong later on, but his crazy stun really makes up for it. I think I had +20 assists playing him :)

Anyway, recommend me some good items on him :p Anything I could get to improve the ulti attack? Or what would you buy him?
Since his ult is just physical damage a shieldbreaker (i think you have to autoattack once to get the effect) will seriously boost the ult damage.

bracer & psupply
phase boots or treads
useful: daemonic breastplate / shieldbreaker
fun but slightly relevant: puzzlebox / tablet of command / mock
bad items: runed axe

edit: forgot to mention, some people think portal key is core but i usually skip it in pubs
Yeah must be, u must be lolling rlly hard in reallife.
known fact that kraken is 1337
carry hellbringer > all
how to get a hand on a beta key these days ?! :<
ask wodka !
image: 3v5won2

that was some epic shit too, expected certain loss after 2 dc after 2min.
afaik, yes?
it does not stack, its calculated from your base manaregen (the one you gain through your int)
Just checked, Runed axe regen does stack.
nah, if you have 2 mp/sec it and you got 2 runned axe, the regen of the second runed axed will be still calculated with 150% of 2mp/sec
well... yeah... that's what I meant by stacking
ah well than you are right :)
are you sleeping during your game or why just 50 apm? :S
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