World slave

In this world you are the slave.
Working your hole life.


Yeah some money, what do you have later?
Later you have money!

Later hopefully you got a house...
Thats not later, you have a house when ur 20/24
My causin whas 23 and he purchased a new house? o.O
Then go be his house-buddy - it's apparently your only chance to live nicely with your English and brain skills. You should start waking up honestly.

Btw...a tent isn't called a house in English.
WMAUIWHAJAAJAJAHAHAHA Stop crying and being dead m8
whats wrong with that ?
hookers obviously
The black people where the slaves but now? WE AL ARE SLAVES

We work to get some money.

Just work! for some 10 euro's in a hour YAAAAAAAAAAAAy.
wife, kids :P and prefer working above not working, you'll see once ur into it :)
I'm gonna kill my self.
don't, life is good :D
well, guess it's not when your unlucky, like getting cancer or something.. I'm all healthy so shouldn't judge actually.. but even then you still got family+friends :)
you would have to suffer from something (doesn't have to be a decease) to just realize your current state isn't without perspective at all, dunno about u personally tho, but seems u just need to cross the lazyness border :D
I don't hate hate work or my life, i love going to school but i hate to work for school and get nothing 4 it.
well, had the same when I was still at school, but it's quite important, I never did much myself but kinda forced myself to do so.. although it was minimal and just enough :p besides you can go straight to work after school.. all depends on ur character and ability to communicate, to get approved somewhere.. whats ur age?
so, only little bit more patience and perseverance needed and u will be free to do whatever u want to :)
Aha, :p thq for the info:$
ne makkak die klaagt over werke

niks nieuws
Oké normaal vink u comments altijd enorm dom en random spam en da was deze ook ma klag wel ff dicht! :DDD
hole life

image: biggest-hole
redemption for what you did wrong in your previous life!
Nakatoooooooo! Maar ik heb niks misgedaan in mijn leven! Ik ben vriendelijk tegen Nakato en da's het allerbelangrijkst e!! :D

Waarom zitte gij ni in belgianlions? XD
Not this fucking pursuit of happyness shit again. Nobody forces you to work or earn money. If you're happy without money and social stability let it be it. Money is a crucial point when it comes to happyness and its persecution, face it.

Edit: Work counteracts boredom :O)!
Here in this shit country YOU HAVE TO WORK! Or you must clean up shit on the streets.
Nothing comes from nothing. There are things in life that you may not like but you have to do them. :P You rather want to be a bump and life on others costs?
I am gonna kill my self, i love going to school but i hate to work for school and get nothing 4 it.
Ever realized that you actually learn for yourself and not for others? I know parents usually say something like that, but hey - its true in the end. Its up to you whether you work for school or not. I'm kinda lazy myself, but everyone should know themself whether they need to learn or not.
thats why i prefer enjoying life and do what i want instead of studying 30 years then work rest of ur life :)
hf doing what u want without money :D
u know u dont have to study half of ur life to get money? and also im not like u, that everything i have needs to be the best, buying the best phone, best comp etc etc. i can live with less :)
ok, i'm sorry then, that i earn enough money to buy me a own flat, a own car, a good comp, an iphone, and a flat-tv with 21.
well i dont like school so i dont study that much,but that doesnt mean i dont get a job or money to buy the stuff i want...
i tought the same like u when i was @ ur age and younger: "shit on school, just gimme work, np" well...when i would be back @ school again, i would try to end it as good as i can!
shitty school is fucking important when u wanna get a good job...
well school isnt really my thing, dont like it when i dont like it and my goal isnt to be the president or doctor or smt :) just a basic job
school isnt the "thing" for 95% of the pupils...well, nevermind, we will talk bout that again in a few years...and trust me, ull say: "man, when i would have the option again, i would do school better!" ;)
ye i know it, brother had the same, quitted school and etc etc. but dont care, now i dont enjoy it and thats it i can always study later if i want :) thats where my "take it easy lifestyle" comes in ^^

edit: but wll see, i just wanna take it easy and pass the school, never know if i wanna continue to second school after this,but i still wont study like i have to get A from everything
i wanna be loved by u, just u, and nobody else like u! *dibididu*
i know, u talk smart, but im jsut a kid and u have to understand that! and i love u


come lets make baserace team with exceed and oriol etc
fun! life is fun, everything makes fun if u know how to have fun.
then you are doing the wrong job !
Yeah some money, what do you have later?

what do you mean with that?
Yes I agree, most of your life is wasted on work related shit. But you need the money to survive so either way you're fucked. Or just hurt yourself and become a disabled guy and sit at home playing all day? When you get older you'll realise that it's best to work because not working you get fuck all, you have to struggle to get by and look for money behind the sofa, true that been there before.

Get your arse into something you enjoy, work towards it whilst you still can. Get a career you'll then like your job.
That's why family is more important. You can buy a lot of things but you won't be happy after all. Children and spending time with them will make you happy :o).
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