9 Jan 2010, 05:16
apart from alexL ofc!
Hello everyone :-) I want to share my GREAT succes and goin for a run!
so, when i was working in the UK (couldn't work out,have proper diet n stuff) i lost around 15 kg (my best weight used to be +/- 104kg with 190cm tall) so i looked like this
and wasnt rly happy :)!
through last 3 months i gained again around 12kg till yesterday!!
Now gonna make some low carbohydrates diet not as strict as alexL's of course but still!, lose around 4-5kg and rip a bit, should be done in a month!
What are your results and how is it goiN?(cause rly lots of ppl are going to gym nowadays, at least here in Poland)
wish ya good results and see you everyone at cc7, booked my flight already! (YES RISEE I DID IT :))
Hello everyone :-) I want to share my GREAT succes and goin for a run!
so, when i was working in the UK (couldn't work out,have proper diet n stuff) i lost around 15 kg (my best weight used to be +/- 104kg with 190cm tall) so i looked like this
and wasnt rly happy :)!
through last 3 months i gained again around 12kg till yesterday!!
Now gonna make some low carbohydrates diet not as strict as alexL's of course but still!, lose around 4-5kg and rip a bit, should be done in a month!
What are your results and how is it goiN?(cause rly lots of ppl are going to gym nowadays, at least here in Poland)
wish ya good results and see you everyone at cc7, booked my flight already! (YES RISEE I DID IT :))
ToDay gonna work my BAcK HARD!!! and then after that do bicepS. hähä
n00n trains for muscles and as soon as he's very addicted he'll also say yes to
the stuff the big bodybuilders take .. i dont wanna speak about the concequenses here.
but after 6th months i've lost 7kgs so i was 76 now, and here we go: pic
now im somewhere between the first pic and the second one. trying to gain some muscles without any fat - that's pretty hard.
but most women don't like ripped men .. :(
but it's nice to see people making something out of their bodys as soon
as they figure out that it can't go on with the _fat_ and stuff.
Seriously? I did not notice that at all. I mean one, or two girls told me that I look like a gay, but mostly it was something like 'Can I touch your stomach?' or 'WOW! You look so nice'. I met a girl like month ago and she told me that she would jump on me and have a sex with me because my stomach looks so gorgeous... To be honest? You do not know the truth until you try it...
relationship? ..
go ask again :)
i've got told often enough that they like the look of it, it's sexy .. but they wouldn't
like it if their b'friend or husband would look that ripped. i even know women which
hate it alot .. and they look kickass ..
i will rip myself this year.. just to be ripped once in my live.. but i won't keep it
And honestly they DO LIKE IT - they just do not want to be jealous. I mean that girls say one thing but they mostly want something completly opposed to what they said. They are weird.
No one likes big belly.
not about being buff .. women love buff men, ye .. with not much fat. but buff men and
being totally ripped.. is a different story !!
women are weird.. sure thing .. and they stink sometimes. .
But I've got my own, a bit different opinion about that.
Being ripped (at least for me) is some kind of obsession.
If that's the answer for your question.
and how is your profession interest?
20km dziennie robi swoje:D
ToDay gonna work my BAcK HARD!!! and then after that do bicepS. hähä
4 months at gym, gained like 4/5 kgs:)
Foodwise that's all you need anyways :p Hows it with intense cardio, can't do that either?
For example i were doing some chinups, as i were going to finish set i started thinking about some random stuff and as i jumped down and my heart suddenly moved up in the chest and then quickly down and stopped moving when i hit the ground i got an arr - and just because i werent controling my breath and concentrating on my heart rate. The same happened when something would startle me - like a thunder out of nowhere or something.
So basically i just have to think about my breath and heart rate the whole day. (another lol story - in autumn i was doing some work at home, building random stuff in garage using this and in all the noise and fast vibrations going through my whole body i couldnt feel my heart rate or even breath and that resulted in immediate arr...