WOHOO!!! :;DDD new car <3

So there was this "Open house" thing for all the car stores or w/e you want to name it.
We went there for just looking, and there was this Ford Fiesta holding inside, and the normal prize was like 21.000 euros, way to expensive for me. But it had a sign in the window that said "Special prize for this one - Ask the crew"

First I thought it didn't matter, would prolly still be way to expensive. But I did go ask him and then said "Give me 16.666 euros and it's all yours, ready for driving"

..And I was like waaaaaat the fuck dude.
So ended up I bought it.
I'm now the happy owner of a Ford Fiesta (H) :D

image: FordFiestaCL3_1


btw. got my new netcard working so now I can play ET without having 100-300 ping ;D !!!!

nice retsev :D
good luck and have fun dude :) don't drive too fast at this snow chaos!
"Special prize for this one - Ask the crew"

there has to be something wrong with the car d00d

but good choice, i like the car, can pimp it easily
Well that was my reaction :P I asked him "And wtf is wrong with it :P" and he just said that it was from October 09 and they just had to sell it :P Because it was signed in, so they have to pay for it xD
Nice 1 :p!
the car was never worth those 21k they said
anyways nice car and have fun with it :)
Well in rest of EU it costs more like 12.000 euros - But Denmark is known for its 3 times higher prizes on cars because of the taxes so not much to do about it. Actually it's an awesome prize for this :P
what about re-import? or buying cars in another country?!
Not an option since we got some system that dosen't allow us to do that, or they do but then they tell you to pay the taxes for it to get danish signs on it, and then you will end up paying even more...:P

Some of the more famous people in DK have done that, they ended up paying millions back to the goverment and stuff.
ah yeah, i understand, then its like tax dodging.

same here with the rich people ;)
yep :( shit country, at least when it comes to cars
it's same here with rich people, they move there money into switzerland or cayman islands and when they get busted they only have to pay like 1 million of there 34394343434 million € they have. If a normal guy like me does that you gotta pay a lot more compared to your money :(
yeah indeed.
Also quite funny about our jail system.
If you do a crime that involves a lot of money cheating and stuff, you will get like at least 7-8 years.

But if you go rape some 13 year old girl and mess up her life forever - then you're done after max 3 years xD
I guess it's that shit everywhere :-( at least it's the same here
3 months for manslaughter

5 years for theft :)

estonia :)
actually you know why they do it?
Because someone who did some financial cheating very likely has more money left, he can bail himself out by paying, that is always included in money-jailtime, you can bail yourself out.

So I don't think that's a bad rule. Raping a 13y old, should be punished by deathrow offcourse.
ye I agree :P but it's fucked that they don't balance it
oh then its a nice catch :)
Age: 17 ( 5 March 1992 )

spoiled brat?
n/o but ugly car imho

Who would pay 21.000 for a Ford Fiesta..

Enjoy your new ride
image: 2010-Ford-Fiesta-S2000-Front-Angle-Top-View-588x428

the fiesta is the new wrc car for next year it looks nice done up
Well Denmark = 3 times higher prizes then rest of EU, so that's why I pay that much.
In that case you payed a good price (16k)
I really did :P No doubt about it
omg nub, go to the engrish class or lets play CS tomorrow! Got my new PC today :D
Its price not prize nigga, look what etnies wrote up there
/q retsev @ quakenet :D and find out what the channel for Css wars is!!!
tis paid jonge
idd crossfire serious inet business spelling

my bad :P

gl tege dNan morgen
Real Name: V73st586
Age: 17 ( 5 March 1992 )

e38 bro
e38 :))
i would buy cars in germany dude ;) even if you must drive maybe 500 km to pick it up...
Well the thing is that unless I have a company in germany, I can't take a car with me to denmark because it isnt allowed for me to drive on german signs, and then they will add the taxes and it's just as expensive as before :P Else I know it would be awesome xD

Germans = Audi, BMW, Mercedes only :(
why the fuck do they sell those cars cheaper on populations with bigger income anyway?
they fuck them somewhere else ;o)
damn that price is high for that car :D

image: radE82AC

image: radD75AC
I'd never buy ford fiesta.. :S
What's wrong with it :P?
It's ugly as hell.

E: mine 15k euros would go to some JDM :)
Great man, you've just wasted ~17000 Euros. I'd never buy such a car for this price - seriously wtf :S?
It's Denmark dude :<
Well shall I tell you a short story?
Once upon a time there was this danish politican, which had influence on the Oil facilitys in the North See.

Then he did go talk business with the norwegians, and it ended up that he did sell most of the oil to Norway for like no money (I've heard that he was drunk during it)

So now Norway is rich and is avi to give every citizen 1 million if they wanted to, because of the oil profit.
And here Denmark is with HIGH (3 times more then rest of EU) taxes and we don't have that much money as norway because we don't have that much oil like norway do...

It was an awesome offer that car dealer made, normaly I would never be avi to buy a Fiesta that cheap, so I don't really see it as a waste, actually it was the best choice I've could make

Well the strange about germany is that you have really cheap cares, but your government has problems paying your loans from the wars and stuff...So guess it's just a matter of time before smt in germany like cars, will get much more expensive? Compared to that Denmark has no loans anymore.
well the cars here are expensive too.. doesnt help us citizen that norway have alot money.. Norway is cheap... their just saving and never sharing :)
I don't think we will ever be able to pay all the loans anyways so I couldn't really care less. Your average income per head is a lot higher than ours, so its no surprise that cars in Germany are a lot 'cheaper' than yours. Furthermore if you talk about our national debt you gotta take into consideration, that Germany is the only state that actually cares for its citizens by supporting them with money such as unemployment benefit and the so called 'Hartz 4'. All in all we not only have to pay for the war debt, but also for the relatively high state expenses for our heathcare system :).

Edit: Talking about taxation and stuff: Germany has the 2nd highest mineral oil taxation in the EU only with the uK beeing even more expensive. The continuing costs are kinda high so that driving a car in Denmark or Germany will equal as the time runs by. :p
gratz retsev :D
the patriots have to win tomorrow and ur life is complete :D
haha ye idd :D
shitcar !
Thanks for the swedish comment, I guess it's possible to buy BMW for 16.000 euros?
hmm gay car :(


Now can you drive to cIC7 ! :P
Cruise to NL for see nerds? Nah :( girls only pls
hahaha :D

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