Snow in UK & Ireland

It's snow joke!

lol'd at second movie :XD
hansoo wtf !
was los iiky? :O
wir ham nun auch n ts3 komm ! :D
cool! aber heut kommsch nich mehr, geh gleich zu bett ;)
PMst du mir mal die IP etc. bitte? dann komm ich morgen mal rum
mega lol backfromdaclub
hahah :D
did almost the same on wayback home after work today

fuckin england they cant manage snow
Who travels by foot in this weather. Guess they didn't have a bicicle

How exactly do they get these shots. Set up a camera next to the slippiest spots and wait for someone to fall :D?
idk what was worse, that ear-cancer-inducing laughter or the fact that that woman pretty much put her ass right through the ice :DD
lol @ the top guy hahahaha
60 cm here !
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