Paranormal activity :j

i have watched it @ night and almost shited my pants :f

lul that was crazy :j

brb i am going to get some sleep after hard party :jjjjj
fake movie...
Dunno what was all the hype about, boring as hell imo.
fucking true
Totally shit movie, wasnt worth watching
shited in your pants ? can't you ran to the tiolet? u fucking mongol ?

totally shit movie, boring,
Shittest 2k9 movie. Waited more than an hour to watch the scary scenes and I laugh. Even my gf who's affraid of that kind of movie thought it sucked donkeyballs.
it was boring as hell and nothing close to scary..
Hi there polish person. Is your head still full of shit or what?
i was just bored =D soz
i thought it was good >_>
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