[weekend stories pls]

jeez im bored after club slept like 5 hours can't sleep nomore , drinking redbull, enjoying my hangover, feels shit bro.

what about your friday/caturday

image: hangvoer-caturday
semki dlja chotkih pacanov
siemki dobre sa
the usual + police + retards + the usual.
was nerding in front of my pc the whole weekend.
joint in the morning results in no hangover!
yesterday, spent time with my girlfriend.
today, playing pes and raging cause i am ill.
weather is way to bad to go out cant get taxi's home
I went out at 1am with some friends and some selfmade firecrackers, which are quite loud of course,

thrown them at a car on a lone street (bad mistake), the fucking car was turning,
went into a little forest, then the car stopped and they came out with a dog and lamps, that was the point I noticed we should fucking run, 2 of us already jumped into a garden and ran to the a street and went to our checkpoint (ALDI like usual), but my friend and me stoped waited behind tree's they passed us 3meters away but the guy with the dog wasn't there. One of them stopped at the tree where my friend was, I thought: "OHW NOES", and started running for my motherfucking life an screamed: "I'm here :D!" (dunno why, quite stupid..) I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran, noticed the lost my tracks, ... then I was at the checkpoint and thought: "we always go there with our selfmade pipe bombs 'n' shit.. so it was probably police in civil or something, maybe some peepz told them about our doing. Anyway was quite funny and I want to do that again! NEXT WEEKEND! :D

(Sorry for my bad English I'm still learning.)
i hate people like you...
Country: NL
-best joint roller[...]

I hate people like you.
at least im not causing damage to other peoples property for fun...
Was the first time I throw a firecracker at anyone,
I'm not causing damage to anyone, you misunderstood me.
I just test my firecrackers in that forest not by throwing it at cars or something lulz.
Thats why we went on that street, to get to the forest.
u should smoke a bit of pot and voilà, hangover's gone.
failed at my first ITF tournament :(
Got dumped by the same girl for the second time.
not like "ignore girls", just fuck them without any relationship bullshit especially in my age , not in yours tho :D old man
le fu :D

I replied to you cause our replies to loazis were in same second :>
Not for a while I'm afraid ;(
haha as bad as I rly feel for you mate, I had to giggle at this one cause it sounds so emo <3
Well, it kinda is eh :P
haha, me 2

must be related to the flag
basicly i was a couple with her for 9 months, than we broke up because i could not stand her anymore, now after 8 months we met again, everything went fine, she said she loves me and wants to give it another shot and said oke lets try, after 26 hours she said she does not love me (que?) and that she just thought she would love me (que!).
since it was at the 31st we were at the same party i got drunk like shit had sex with her and 2 days later she did basicly the same thing we were together for like 2 days than she said she cant live with the way i treat other human (que?)

what was your case anyway?
We met at highschool and after being a year together or something we decided to move in together since we were studying in the same city anyway. After half a year or something we came to the conclusion that it would be better if we'd live apart and we were fine with that. It was all good again and we were happy. Few months later she decided to take a break for a little while because she wasn't happy about us so we talked about that and a week later she broke up with me. I was pretty devastated but had the idea that it wasn't the end yet for some reason. So we both took some time and I decided to write her a letter (oldschool!) with my story and wishing her the best. Couple of days later she calls me up saying she wanted to meet. We met up and talked for 2 hours or something and decided to give it another try but to take things slowly. So after a couple of weeks we were 'really' back together again and it was the best period we had together in my opinion. Last few weeks I've been trying to do my best to give her the attention she always claimed she needed, but it kinda backfired since it made her realise she didn't have the same feelings for me anymore as she used to have. So she broke up with me again.
well mate, fill the epic hole you currently have with gaming, basicly with just timekilling.

you cant do shit with thinking about it anyways, i hope you are not a retard like me who is checking his telephone all day long hoping she will call :D

i did the same convinced her all the time that it still will work, and everything went fine. but then all of sudden she started to say again it does not work. i cant really suggest you to never try because i know that its hard when she made obvious signs she loves you but you think something holds her back.

depending on how many boyfriends she got before you, let her find another guy, if you're lucky she will notice what shes passing by

otherwise just use your epic span of time and energy for something useless which kills off time as good as possible
ah just read it, same way here i treated her totaly nicely and she went beserk
Omfg, just realised Ricardo Martinez is the boxer from Hajime No Ippo THE BEST ANIME SERIE EVER <3
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