F*ck this ESL

Look how far they are willing to go. They stickied their newspost just because CB announced hosting Winter Cup.

That's low ESL , very low.
ESL is full of faggs
stfu man

BE THANKFUL that the community have 2 great leagues which support this old game. we can be lucky to get even this bit of support. think about all those admins who try to make this a better game and community. they spend hours of hours to make this game attractive for us and then there are some faggots like you who flame them for their work. seriously do it better mate.

just sad..
I totally agree with you!!!!
Noone cares what you think
It s not a surprise - crossfire has always been supporting ESL only. You should expect more from a website which is leading the troops in ET but well...
Tbh, i have never noticed that. It was more the other way around for me... Because the CB EC was always the mainevent here on crossfire for the et community and the ems was something like a big joke...

i think that you just have this point of view because you put so much effort in clanbase and are dissapointed from everything, because you didnt get any support from cf/cb (? - dnno the mainreasons why you stopped the cbjob)
it's funny tbh, only yermans mostly defend ESL :D
i just like the effort which they put in their work

in addition esl is way bigger than cb, thats why i see a lot of potential in esl for the future of et
Do you really think et has a future?
it will live for at least 3-4 more years
Why exactly 3-4 years ? :)
because i cant believe that they will stop playing from one to the next day. in addition ET 2 will come out in 2 years ( as far as i heard )..thats why i think that they will stop playing in around 3-4 years with et and switch over to an other game

it can be 1-2 years....or 5-6
ET 2? :O Who is supposed to develop this game?
ive seen a newspost 1-2 month ago..

google for it...you surely will find something..or use the searchfunction here at cf
mark my words:

Fall 2010
What's then? Brink?
nope :p another game!
wolfenstein 2?
Yeah.. riiiight.. After the great success of wolfenstein.
it's been obvious since the crossfire community member of the year 2009 has ESL-poop from his hand till over his shoulder :D
both leagues are doing a great job.
both also have good and negative things but thats makes them unique and special.

And I dont want to defend ESL or CB as both are great and have nice admins.
Who cares about 1 stickied post?

Please dont start any fight.
wise devi is wise <3 :P
Less negative energy my friend :)
ESL's newspost was a matchreport, and since those matches were happening this evening, that was more important than an announcement of a league that lasts all winter...
+1 nice post ;)
nobody wanted to sticky the EC Final Newspost of when it was gonna get re-played :(, and all CB NC Match predictions/statements never get majored, while all EMS statements/lineups etc do. not kinda fair when we are using the same layout so i dont know the reason for it.
Gimme a shout when there's a similar post to be stickied :)
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