
ther was a topic a while ago that r1co is busted
was it him becus his guid fits :/?
and why cant i watch his movie on own3d.tv ther is a error :/
nubs cant watch frag movies.
get busted retard
says a busted, low.

wont say low skiller because absolutely nothing in you got skill, even your lowness not
gtfo retard
1. do i know u?
2. i proofd that i didnt cheat so gtfo\
3. i play now vs med/+ to train my skill and i dont care if im low be happy if u reach somthing in ur life that ur skilled than me becus its the only thing u have to tell ur friends look i play a free online game and im pro look at me

gtfo retard
ps: i dont mind about my english
ur still a noob, i dont mind about ur english because mine is bad to, i do have, probbally better then you, a life and you vs med/+ WHAHAA
to even think he might get busted someday - . -
i heard... U MA IS EEN MAN :D:D::D
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