Site design - wot u think?

Hi there,

Showed this couple of days ago but did quite a lot since then..

I am making this site for a friend, I already did another one based ona heavily modified wordpress, but she liked the look of a really simple minimal site.

So I went for a clean look, but not as basic and noob as the one she looked at.

It has a working admin panel to update news, didn't do dynamic slideshow update yet.

What do you think?

** not completely finished yet
Looks quite nice tbh.
i like it, but i think when you press arrow, it should skip 2 or 3 images, not all of them at once.
k tnx, thats as easy as changing a 4 to a 2 or 3, i'll wait to see what she thinks
I like "Read Less ...". :)

For a clean and simple-to-use site, it looks ok :)

Looks like shit and won't work if you have "High" on security settings in IE, though. Or anything else blocking the js. :) (not slaughter of the site, the site is nice. Just a tip, in case you didn't know :] )
nice name for the website

hip hop monster :D

but looks nice
nice and clean, good work!
Looks nice.
very decent
nice : )
I like it, color scheme fits the site.
make it look like crossfire
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