ESL 2009 in numbers

I don't have so much time, so this will be only a short journal with the main facts of ESL 2009:

479,196 supports
200,183 protests
1,270,823 league joins
994,911 penalty points
2,852,112 matches
1,892,464 1on1-matches
959,648 team matches
7,994 different competitions
7,347,130 matchmedia uploads (without screenshots!) size: 11,278 GB
17.7 TB download traffic volume of matchmedia
2,351,151 gathers
26,572 news
2,315,230 registered users
545,294 new users
2.2 billion(!) page visits (over 6 million page openings per day)
ESL website is running on 53 webservers and five big database servers
The amount of data of ESL: 224 GB (This does not include player information, matches, comments, leagues, pictures, demos...)

read more here: ESL 2009 in numbers - a review
u forgot about he most important:

5 billion people not knowing how to navigate the site.
haha +1 :dd
^ This

i would rather say humanity - esl admin
1,000,000 admin abuse in favour of german players
15,000 undetected cheaters missed by equality/aequitas
137 absolutely idiot rules (like auto-matchdeleting after 1 week)
2.2 billion(!) page visits (over 6 million page openings per day)

wondering how many of those are opened trying to find stuff
now show me the cb stats
smth like
759,648 team matches
755,328 forfeited matches
lower than esl :D
esl has more supported games than clanbase has views per day
i know ^^

I'm an ESL player since 2 years xd
it's pretty much actually if 6 million pages are opened every day :o
trying to find the page they are looking for
waiting for clanbases journal now
5 billion dollars spent in XX century design
9001 bans per day
2542 incompetent admins
5 billion people not knowing how to navigate the site.
The most of you didn't even try to get used to ESL. It's not harder or worse than
I was ESL admin for 2 months or something like that, same with CB (maybe 1 month) and to compare both system I would say ESL works more efficient than CB. The only really bad thing I couldn't stand at ESL is that the admins really MEAN that "innocent until proven guilty" and when someone havent got game-experience (not like me, in combat arms) they know shit of cheats and norecoil. So the admins know shit of the game, only I were there top player and maybe 1 italian guy. + like 6-8 nonames (in combat arms at least). so i would say they are not making it in the best way.
show us the ET stats
Has to be the proof that most ET players have a low IQ. How can you not find stuff on that page? ;o
its just an excuse. they dont want to change their good old clanbaseleague, because they are used to it..
ESL website is running on 53 webservers and five big database servers

-> which are always down or lagging :-(
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