picking a color

Still have a spare room left which i could possibly use as bedroom for myself.
The things that still need to be done is the big wall, which need some wallpaper or some paint.
Also needs a new floor and curtains, any idea's welcome (there is no way I'm letting eXceed out of the basement)

image: 16gx5iw
image: 2q33blk

use it for ET
Green-yellow .
Was expecting you to suggest a landscape with sheep, but your idea seems quite interesting.
install a 250cm plasma screen
light blue > *
You better invest ur money in a better cam.
phone, couldn't be arsed to find the camera
spray a nice piece on the wall
dann kannste auch gleich lila nehmen!
There is no way I'm letting you live here, you better stay in the basement friend :P:P
a nice green :D
green > *
get a huge icesave wallpaper
already had 3 colors in mind, the third (for the big wall) turned out to be horrible.
just don't listen to other people too much. pick one color that you really like and then mix it in sites below. Atleast i'd do it like that :D
i bought some Bordeaux red wallpaper today goes really well with the furniture :)
orange like mine
Me likes pink
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