From Lund

I'm in Lund. Fuck you Swedes! What should I do?
go back home
free alexl
if you go to lund when ur in Sweden you must be retarded, only students there
Real Name: Cameron McLeod
Age: 21 ( 30 November 1988 )
Flag: Australia
Country: SE

take 3 guesses....
well he should come to sturéplan, there is 100% sure that he wont see alexL there
vad är det för jävla fängelse alla snackar om? vad har du gjort<3
tabort idiot
Go to jail already fucking troll.
what the hell are you talking about
Go for some girls.
Dont drink beer, too expensive
free alexL
take the train to stockholm
Well.. I'm not sure what kind of activities you'd be up for. Students, at least here in Uppsala tend to host a lot of fun activities involving a lot of drinking and such though :P

But perhaps you should study some then? :O
meet reign :d
Der gungy, der gungy und der reign reign reign reign reign
hahaha really leave lund, and go somewhere else!

like sthlm or smth!
Thanks for the all the input! And yes I'm here studying. And yes I would rather be in Stockholm.

Also in student housing is torrenting a no go?
no idea, but you could always get one of the hundreds of VPN services that everyone started using since the whole IPRED law was implemented. I guess there could be a higher chance in 'getting caught' if you're downloading from a student house but at the same time this law seems to be pretty much bullshit as I haven't heard anyone get caught except for downloading like swedish e-books and stuff like that.

for vpns, I have no idea which one is the best. They cost like ~30-100kr / month and they reduce your speed a bit. and come to mind :p

hf in sweden
I study in Linköping and I've been downloading ALOT! I've never been caught although I live in a student corridor so I guess it shouldn't be a problem.

and about stockholm... go there like for a weekend but believe me its not a good city for student life/activities. lund should actually be fine of what Ive heard.

Let me guess... you're studying something scientific ;P ?
Maths and Physics ;)
build the radio

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