HOME movie

just saw it accidentally while surfin around. really awesome and beautiful pictures, scenes - with a really serious intention.

i just can recommend it, for all who havent seen it. one of the best made movie i have seen for a while.

click link and watch it

greets :O)
im not gonna watch a movie on youtube for an hour and half
looks fucking boring, but nice too
that actually makes me sad :(
why, he can swim!
yeah but the amount of ice is disappearing, and thats their habitat.
global warming...
Global warming doesn't exist, get some education.
but I do think it does :). Yeah I do have education faggot.
yeah yeah I know the earths temperature hasn't risen in over 15 years. There are parts of the Arctic that appear to be warming or melting, but its normal and sometimes it gets harsh :P

I believe in it and that doesn't mean that you have to. don't be so negative.
the ice aren't melting, its actually thicker then before
some global warming would be just good, atm it's pretty cold around here
just looked over the images a bit. looked awesome, but cant be arsed to watch all the 90 minutes now. remind me later... ;)
needed to watch it for a presentation, was nice
nice movie - thx :)
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