ET tactics lesson

Hi people,

I'd like to use this opportunity to share one of the most powerful and awesome Enemy Territory tactics with all the newcomers who are unfamiliar with the great success I used to have with it back in the days (2006-2007). If it's executed properly, it will put your opponents into a lot of trouble. Just follow these instructions carefully:

SW Goldrush TE; Allies; first part of the map (where you have to repair the tank).
- 5 people pick Covert Ops as their class. One is Engineer.
- The 5 C-Ops go towards the main door while the Engineer moves towards the side entrance and waits.
- 5 seconds before respawn time, all C-Ops throw smoke grenades into the tank area and immediately selfkill themselves (or get killed in time: you could run towards the tank to eliminate mines).
- 4 people respawn as Engineers, one as Medic. All run towards the main entrance.
- In the meantime, the Engineer at the side entrance tries to distract the opponents by trying to get to the tank.
- All Engineers blindly run through all the smoke, ready to repair the tank. The Medic is right behind them, holding his syringe.
---> win.

Have fun using this tactic to win the next EuroCup.
thanks i gues
>all opponents sk in every 30 sec.
that wont even work if you play vs aFo
yes it would :D
ye will use it surely thanks mate.
- 5 people pick Covert Ops as their class. One is Engineer.

you know everyone is playing 5on5 today right? :P
STFU thats our new tactic..
rushing on spawntime wasn't normal back then?
actually it wasn't, even selfkilling wasn't common.
That's actually not true. Selfkilling was common, rushing before it too. Maybe less frequent than today though, I have no clue how the game is played now.
It isn't close to what it is nowadays.. but read Zenix's comment below, he said in long what I ment to say in short. :p
lol look the time he is talking about 2006-2007. It was very common to play aggressive and selfkill a lot, on a normal level. In 2004-2005 it was not common but it started in the early 2005 allready with the good teams. Around the same time xp rewards where removed. With 300xp in defence you didnt need to rush out that badly. Because you had enough bullets megapacks with ammo for nades fast recharge and medics with 151 hp. I think selfkilling main purpose is for the medics to get full ammo again.
that is what I ment, but tried to said it in a shorter way :o)
ok, didn't know that :)
hahaha sorry :(

we once did that vs. Israel, didn't we? :D
Hah, this gave me a laugh. Sounds like something my old team would do. :)
solid tactic with few tweaks

only one cov throw the smoke, one engi stays at main and rest takes side/back to distract

1 covert, 4 engineers and 1 medic is a lot better as you only need 1 spawn to get the tank!

even used it in some NC/EC official :D
That's DEFINITELY stolen from our elite tactic :(

Also if you think that one smoke grenade is enough, you should see how the place looks like with 5 smokes. <:)
Coutertactics revealed: put a medic who can aim at main and give 15 headshots to the engis and the medic at main.
tru smoke? must be hax
same like a 5/6 engi rush on supply first attack .. one will survive and plant somehow :P awsome tactic
2006 and 2007 just called, they want their tax back
wont work
r_colorbits 8
yes but now we have ur tax so we gotta make tax to defend them so u can tax while we tax but get tax'd by the tax'ers
or you just force the best ET team to play 5on5 instead of 6on6.
.. and what happens if the 3 allies push EAST ?
that leaves the guy up + the guy west out of the equation
plz .. my tax > urs :D
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