bad dream

sup dudes

i had this weird dream was like a nightmare well normal ppl would consider it a nightmare but i didnt find it so bad

im just gonna tell you a 9 hours long story into like a 2 min read story :D

i was at schoolparty and then 2 zombies tried to come in and some ppl quickly taped the door shut (normal see-through tape 20 cents in store or so) then they broke in and everyone ran away and then me and a friend of mine decided to go sleep over at his house so we went to town to buy some stuff but (here it starts :D) everyone in the town was a zombie slow-walking towards us and stuff and it was kinda cool and scary at the same time :P so the whole dream i was running away from zombies and eventually i came back to my own house and woke up 10:17

you had something similar?

for the ppl who want random picture go to google type in ashlynn brooke whole collection of pictures for free
cool story bro
Quoteashlynn brooke

sick story bro
Never seen a dream of zombies even though I used to play a lot resident evil series and my mate always makes me watch/play zombie movies/games
Yes, i have the same every night.
You sure it was a dream?
It wasn't a dream...
had a few dreams about zombies when ive played too much l4d but were more like funny dreams 8D
!OMG! she is doing porn
if a girl makes herself look fine she has to be useful for something?
played Left4Dead to much ? :p
shaun of the dead
u watched zombieland?????
waiting 28 months later ;DD
cool story bro
reminds me of Dawn of the Dead
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