I can't figure out how existence of supernatural entities eg. ghosts would change our existential situation slightest bit.
I also don't think videos of that kind are proper to examine the paranormal phenomena. There are hundreds of documented Poltergeist cases worlwide like for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Witch which even was witnessed by future US president.
You into paranormal stuff? PM me if so. Some of them are faked m8, they do it to raise viewing. They faked the jacket pulling on a live halloween show :(.
Stupid people behind the camera throwing stuff and banging doors, then they all pretend they duno whut it is ...
I can't figure out how existence of supernatural entities eg. ghosts would change our existential situation slightest bit.
I also don't think videos of that kind are proper to examine the paranormal phenomena. There are hundreds of documented Poltergeist cases worlwide like for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Witch which even was witnessed by future US president.
Was like OMFG the most amazing thing I've seen.
This video, looked real.
lol you see this show?