i need to know something.. yet again

just tell me this thing, if i can't get stable 125 fps in every map, should i use smaller fps, and also what fps you guys recommend for me? if i got xfire open i get worse fps but while closing it i can get 125 in small maps, don't know why so shitty fps now, so should i use fps like 85 or 76 ? all i need is ur recommend =)
no difference in 76 - 85 with packetstuff

so take what feels the best for you~!
Wouldn't call that shitty :D
Don`t get the funny part in here!
i do :D:D cuz you have to live with 10 fps x]
I'll buy a new one soon. [laptop prolly] :DDD
try 76.1337
60-75 depending on the refresh rate of your moni
60 is the refreshing thingy =)
QuoteGraphics: u'll neva guess!

i will never say u !
r_mode 1
take speed befor u play np
makes no sense
I'm serious
I see no problem sir
i can't get stable 125 fps in every map, should i use smaller fps -> yes
wut is the point anyway, it keeps the smaller fps when it can't create the higher, so basicly the higher would be nice, but also it makes a lot of cahnging if sometimes fps 50 and sometimes 125, can't get used to it so good =)
afaik fps affects sensitivity and pretty much everything ingame. i dont think its good for your improvement to play different maps with 'different sensitivity' and such

+ fps drops are more disturbing than stable yet lower fps like 60, at least in my opinion.
just keep 76 for all maps then -.-?
if you get it stable or 71 for less recoil
does it really drop the recoil? or is it just myth?
Testaa nyt hyvä mies itse jos haluut tietää. Kyllä madaltaa.
miksei se sitten vaikuta mulle? :D
Ei varmaan jää tähtäin samaan kohtaan jos ammut 71 fps:llä pistoolin (tai vaikka Mobile MG:n) tyhjäksi, verrattuna siihen että teet saman 125:llä... Se on ihan ET:seen sisäänrakennettu ominaisuus (bugi)

Jos ei vaikuta niin luultavasti multihack unohtunut päälle tai jotain
:P no se ei ois suuri yllätys :oOo
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