last airbender

i lolled :D:D

also found

i mean what the fuck is the movie business doing ffs where's the oldskool maffia movies or a decent war movie or action w/e only computerized bullshit nowadays
Zelda looks nice but don't think it will ever come out :D
lol first of all this it utter bullshit and its an april fools joke
zelda same shit like dragonball?
legend of zelda trailer was a april fools joke on ign 2 years ago orsmth
Didn't the release date 1st of April 2009 gave away the fakeness ? ^^
Kinda looking forward to this Airbender movie.
Yeah It had such an awesome storyline
that series was stupid, no doubt the movie will be even more :o
hope the zelda movie wont be bullshit cause the game was like the best ive ever played on console (with resi 4)
Nice, avatar by a nice director! I know the story can't go wrong and now I know the director knows what hes doing aswell! Should be great :p
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