ET opinions [by low]

Hey there!
This is going to be a journal from a low.
You might not want to read it, but I thought it might be interesting for some people to see how newcomers experience the ET community, and maybe you will find some interesting points to why ET is dying off in the eyes of some people.

Moving on from pubs to wars

This scares many newcomers off the competitive way of gaming, maybe also huge talents! I pubbed this game for a few years and came to etpro, and the first thing I noticed was how "nice" people were.

Of course, there were wins and losses. There were skillfakes and nice matches. But 95% of my enemies at low- had one thing in common: They won against us - which is not hard to achieve. But also rubbing it into our faces all 2 minutes with egobinds, insults, I've never been called jewish/black/whatever else as often in my whole life as in the past 3 months where I've played active etpro.

Naturally I could smile about sarcastic comments and I did not lose my sense of humor, however, I know what is humor and what is pure faggotry. Same applies to ETTV, I was so happy when I found out about /tvchat off.

Getting Skill

Of course, I craved for more than playing low- matches. I had a few friends who had some success at etpro and I was allowed to play with them from time to time, huge kudos to the guys from for that, and I also played as a mercenary in very often.
This is actually what strikes me as odd... everytime I played with a team that was skilled more than I was, I was able to learn a lot of things from them that I was then able to use myself.

But learning from the enemy is hard. By now I have learned to see what a low is and what isn't. I spent much time watching ETTV, mercing to bring new fresh skill to my team.

But what happens? We did not move on in skill, won a few matches more, but it seemed like our enemies were getting better and better too, and this in the same skill-class! Eventually, I wrote down people who searched for low+ and higher in a .txt file, scanning it before every scrim. I found some med+ people and high people searching for low- matches, and you guys know who you are, put yourself in the place of a newcomer to ET who wants to learn the game. Yet better put yourself into your own place when you had started the game.

By now, my team and me have achieved solid med- skill on 3on3, 5on5 and 6on6, which was pretty surprising to us due to the fact that med- was EASIER than low+ for most of the matches! Myself, I've merced in a few med+ matches now and found myself sometimes carrying the team in 6on6.

I would have had a much easier start with ET if there wasn't this huge level of skillfake and faggotry around etpro, and I've wanted to throw it all a few times already, just the cup we had signed up for kept me ingame, until I was skilled enough to survive in mIRC.

Basically out of this whole experience, Low (Now med- :3 ) tells you the following two things of his opinion:

1. ET dies because new people have too hard times with skillfakers
2. You can't get real skill without connections

Well, you can think different, but please consider if these things were true how to fix them, because I'm sure that it might help a bit with the issue ET is facing. You're saying newcomers want bling bling, I'm saying they can live without it if they face a nice, friendly community.

That's about it. See you and good night,

tl;dr improve community plz
tl;dr, post under columns if its not rubbish
:O on my way

i remember moving to etpro waaay back the people were so much nicer in etpub :S

but then u get use to all those insults lolz and even do them yourself ^^

oh and majority of low wars are skill fakers and cheaters

you only know its genuine when you play clans like aFo etc
That's what is killing ET, honestly. The insults spread like a virus and they get worse and worse, and consider playing either ET where the community is crap or a bling-bling-game where it's better. Maybe we're finding the wrong reasons.

playing against aFo was nice, already got to know them in a few matches.

yup i knew many people from etpub/jaymod that were pretty good and would not move to etpro just because when they tried it they found that the majority were "dickheads"
Stop that ET is dieing shit, it's been going on for 2-3 years :P
Its really fun and productive if you can find a nice clan with the same amount of activity and skill. When I first started playing ET actively, every second war I played with nfp was against a german clan who were friends with some members of our clan. We had fun and both got better at the game :)

Same thing applies when you are playing with a stable lineup on a higher skill level. When I was playing with nkNn or bF more actively, we always played opponents we had gg's against and who were genuinely nice guys.
I actually made some friends by what started out as flame ;)
tbh every game has a massive ammount of skillfakers :)
Speaking from experience of a skilled cod4-friend of mine, in CoD4 the problem is that lows think they're med. Not the other way round!
nah et its not the other way around

but look at me. i think i can call me decent medskill but i enjoy it to play against low+ because its much much much get more kills and dont have to play thaaat serious

thats why many more skilled teams search for lower oppos if they just want to have fun.
the teams which want to achieve someting search for better oppos..
skillfaker! :D
I don't mind getting rolled if I don't get "OMG I HACK" binds thrown after me and ego quotes and all the other. Some enemies that were well skilled even gave us hints and tips how to improve. Against such enemies I don't mind playing at all, even if the skill difference is huge.
I've played alot of games and it's the same everywhere, even in cod4. We would search low/med cod4, connected and saw the snooPy clan, which are fairly known in cod4. css is the worst game if you hate skillfakers though
on some points i have to agree with you, but it wont help if you write them down. everyone will agree but noone will actually care :( i mean ...noone will change his attitude
yes you are right... et players are faggots, egos and skillfakers... bunch of shitheads to be honest...

and yes, its almost impossible to get better fast, as long as there is noone who will guid you...

we should all start playing RtCW again... so 90% of ET fuckers would have to learn basics again
90% of 'em would not pay for the game anyways, and the other would be afraid of getting their CD-key banned.
cause they are all faggots!
Quoteyes you are right... et players are faggots, egos and skillfakers... bunch of shitheads to be honest...

im also part of this faggotry... and crossfire in centrum of it!
Cant belive you actually wrote all this, get a life
You think this is much? You should see the book I'm writing atm... 200 pages so far. But did you actually read it? Don't believe so.
u write a whole book about getting etpro skill ? wtf... plz send a copy to my teammates ^^
not about etpro :O
sorry but you are the most retarded guy I've seen on this site so far :)
Your the one messing with underage girls

at least I'm not saying stupid comments all around :)
showing everyone how stupid you are by letting frogs jump out of your mouth ?
No i still think messing with underage girls is worse
lot of ppl started @ ffa, then joined their first low clan, then switched to better one or sth etc. after few years they're already skilled but looks like you're slower than regular etplayer, because while they're already skilled you just left etpubs.
I change config almost everyday :/ One huge reason that I still suck I think :P
+ cheaterlover community , noone gets banned with clear evidence , gnajda playing leagues , ppl not getting banned on xfire , cheaters acting like they never did anything , jeez nobody who bought a 80 euro bot will drop it cause hes busted .D
i agree on most points, except for the point low skill people can't get higher because lacking connections :< But i also agree with Razzah, no fuck really cares :<
Agree totally on what you say, and that's the message I have always advertised as well. The problem is that ET is full of some retarded ego kiddies who just can't behave. I never really understood why ppl are flaming all the way when they are winning and the same ppl are totally shut up if they are losing. That's just something I never understood about this game/community.

It's good that you have lived up to the problems and still keep on eagerly trying to improve your skills.

On the other hand I gotta say that ofc it depends a lot with whom you play. Like I often play some "not-so-good" ppl, and surely I won't look for high skill oppo then
hmm good reading, i have to say
it's impossible to find a nice team when you are new at et (like me for example atm)
playing etpro pubs, mostly the purefrag stuff
yesterday played a mix war (which was hard to find)

i learned a lot of that, would have been easier if i knew somebody who is med skill :D
you suck
I find it very interesting to read how you experience the current et community. Though it is a fact that the hype about ET facing its end isn't true. Some years ago there was a huge drop of etplayers but nowadays the number is rising. Only judging from the crossfire community I can tell you that there is an increasing interest. A couple of years ago it wasn't usual to see more than 200 users online, now it's about twice as much.
Concidering "everyone's" bad attitude is very generalized but true to a certain point. That's nothing unusual though. All games including teams facing each other makes the individual feel more superior and the group/team is like a backup. You'll have to learn to ignore those weird attitudes because that's definitly nothing you will be able to change.
Partly I can agree on your second point. It is definitly a big advantage to have certain connections. I started ET without any help when it came out and it took me far longer to reach a certain skill compared to the newcomers today.
And to connect to your first arguement again... if you ask people friendly, most of them will be very handy and willing to help you to improve.
+1 dumb et dieing shit
et isnt dying. thats myth.
on the other hadn I agree with you its hard for newcommers to join competetion.
you are totally right mate,too much ego on the ET scene
Don't take all those 'OMG HACK' binds so serious. Those are mostly kids. Just ignore them or make some binds yourself =p
Nice read.
My experience is though, that if you ignore the retarded comments there are actually quite a few cool guys in ET! Do the chitchat with those instead! ;)
The ego-guys aren't really that many, but the ones who are very visible, since the nice guys don't have that urge to tell you that you're an unhittable fag skilless retard over and over again.

Take the good and leave the bad!
1. Right
2. Not really. Just review the demos of the matches you played and check what you did wrong, how you could improve etc. There are several ways to improve your skill. :)
Yeah, the low/med/high scale isn't that informative these days

You can be pretty sure that the one searching low won't be very good, but that's pretty much it.
you can't fix it, skillfake like this exists in any game, including cs. you can win vs high and lose vs lowmed
Ignore the people who offend you and focus on the nice ones and the good parts ;)
Its true however that you need some connections if you want to get better fast. If you just want to have fun, you can do that anywhere. Eventhough I was mostly outperforming my teammates when I was playing low+ wars, I just always had fun playing with my mates. The only reason I went up to play on a higher skill level was because I made a great friend online who happened to play on a higher level and I wanted to see if I could compete on that level. The only reason I played with bF was also because they were really nice guys.

So basically my point is that you can get better fast if you play with people who are alot better (connections like you call them), but if you just make friends as you go along, you can also climb to a higher skill level (at a slower rate nonetheless). I never merced, I never made a cless post, I never tried to force myself into a team and still I found myself friends to compete on a med+/high level.
i wish i was like u :s
Haha, hoi. Where the fuck are we!?? :D
haha tja :P hoe gaan de zaken
Cava, soms beetje aan het vervelen en dan beland ik terug op ET. Heb CS:GO gekocht, maar vind het maar een raar spel :P
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