microphone problems [ ger allowed ]
14 Jan 2010, 18:18
I installed windows xp two days ago and everything's working properly except of my microphone.
it just doesnt really work. I tried every possible setting in the systemconfiguration/sound menu, activated the micbooster but it just doesnt sound any good. it once worked a little bit but I had a terrible echo and my voice was too quiet though everything was set up to the highest volume.
I cant even change anything in those options, line in n stuff, they're disabled.
Ive got a laptop, and on vent if im shouting a lot the lamp is going green so i guess thats the integrated microphone on the laptop. So if my external microphone is once working everything is "doubled" as I dont know how to disable the integrated laptop micro.
Also, my microphone is broadcasting all those windows sounds on vent, like any beep or something theyre directly going through the "microphone channel". no idea how to explain that..
Its pretty hard to explain but every usefull advice of a programm which might help for example is appreciated since this is really annoying me hard.
the phone worked on vista!
it just doesnt really work. I tried every possible setting in the systemconfiguration/sound menu, activated the micbooster but it just doesnt sound any good. it once worked a little bit but I had a terrible echo and my voice was too quiet though everything was set up to the highest volume.
I cant even change anything in those options, line in n stuff, they're disabled.
Ive got a laptop, and on vent if im shouting a lot the lamp is going green so i guess thats the integrated microphone on the laptop. So if my external microphone is once working everything is "doubled" as I dont know how to disable the integrated laptop micro.
Also, my microphone is broadcasting all those windows sounds on vent, like any beep or something theyre directly going through the "microphone channel". no idea how to explain that..
Its pretty hard to explain but every usefull advice of a programm which might help for example is appreciated since this is really annoying me hard.
the phone worked on vista!
<3 love you :D
<3 love you :D
lautstärke im realtek programm -> mixer -> aufnahmeregler komplett nach rechts drehen.
e: notfalls im voice programm deiner wahl die übertragungslautstärke erhöhen. vent, mumble, shockvoice bieten sowas an - weiß nich wies mit ts2/3 aussieht.
e2: wenn du den stereomix deaktivierst, streamen auch die windowssounds nicht mehr mit.