garliccheese help

yesterday@ 11 in the evening i ate garlic+cheese bread and still have the taste in my mouth.. i need help, tried brushing teeth etc several times, ate vitamin c, oranges, drank tea, took ibuprofen.. i couldnt sleep for that reason ffs!
take chewing gum
it will wear off in the next 10 hours
dont breathe that much in front of others, trust me u dont want this!
get me 4kings plz
only if you find the secret message in this comment andCongratz you found it:(reply with that to me
1) that
2) pfeffermund!
no i dont know..
nobody can figure this out :i
ok ill help you it's between "and & reply"
OMFG LAL i tried STRG+A only
nais hidingplace
take class of water. Add as much salt untill it no longer dissolves. Then drink it. Tastes horrible btw. Or you could try Retardex (hähä retard) mouthwater which doesent make your mouth taste like shit only neutral. Or if u dont have retard mouthwater you could try to drink milk eat green apple or parsley and you should be fine.
It's most likely some oily/fatty substance that keeps the smell(won't dissolve in water) therefore you should just try drinking a beer(try to keep it in your mouth for a moment)

/e: why the fuck would you take ibuprofen for that??? 0_o
to feel good
What on earth made you think ibuprofen would solve the problem haha
drink milk?

be glad u dont work in the kitchen, there are times when my fingers smell like garlic after 5 days not using it...
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