Porn in center

hackers crashed 1 advert panel in center of Moscow, and add porno in it.

full video:
Not that hard to do with most billboards etc
you do it then!
love the cars slowing down :D
here's a stupid thought; maybe they're slowing down cos of the crossroad ahead?
haha :D

there was this sports betting bar in my city, it had a huge plasma tv for ppl to watch the football games. and you could clearly see it from outside. and everytime in the evenings when i came across it, there was running absolute hardcore porn on that big screen :D anal fuck, gangbang, deep blowjobs etc..that was really hardcore stuff in there :D:D and that thing was directly in the city and you could see everything even from 20m distance ^^
oh boy if i didnt see it everytime i wouldnt even believe it
That's what you call hardcore? LoL
rofl hilarious
dude, thanks for the tip...they took it down on you tube, I put it on my blog and it's going viral :p

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