wot i did to day #5

this afternoon my legs had stopped working. along with the paranoia of deep veined thrombosis (DVT) i decided to go for a jog in the park. thankfully this park has many benches and after a gruelling two minutes run i collapsed onto the nearest one.

twenty minutes later i was ready to continue my exercise regime and started to jog again. the remains of a snowman provided a natural hurdle to test my balance. the pile of snow looked so small in the distance but it loomed up ominously in its melted massiveness. with gritted teeth i managed to jump it to the thought of winning olympic 110m hurdles gold medal.

a further 10 minutes of jogging came to an abrupt end due to internal injury. i certainly wouldn't recommend eating two bacon sandwiches made with lean smoked meat , respectfully grilled until each slice just about keeps in the moisture yet the fat has turned crispy , soft white sliced bread spread over with locally churned butter , topped with cherry tomato halves and a good dollop of fresh mayonoise before exercising.

perhaps next time i'll feed the ducks .
you sound very optimistic!
stream or gtfo
want to believe
Today I wrote a song and it's called You're stupid.
Didn't record it, only got a shit mic :[
Post lyrics
hehe u are training like Rambo!
i was thinking about going for a run

staying in will be much safer
went skiing today.
went from pc to living room twice. then once to the bedroom to get clothes and from there to bathroom just to return to pc
seems to be a great day!
yup, rly enjoying it
you just needed to go to the bathroom once? You have to drink 3 liters a day man.
i'm hungry now
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